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@ -65,38 +65,16 @@ Inductive beta_step : expr_term -> expr_term -> Prop :=
(expr_ty_app (expr_ty_abs x e) a) -->β (expr_specialize x a e)
| E_AppLam : forall x τ e a,
(expr_tm_app (expr_tm_abs x τ e) a) -->β (expr_subst x a e)
(expr_app (expr_abs x τ e) a) -->β (expr_subst x a e)
| E_AppMorph : forall x τ e a,
(expr_app (expr_morph x τ e) a) -->β (expr_subst x a e)
| E_AppLet : forall x t e a,
(expr_let x t a e) -->β (expr_subst x a e)
where "s '-->β' t" := (beta_step s t).
Inductive delta_step : expr_term -> expr_term -> Prop :=
| E_ImplicitCast : forall (Γ:context) (f:expr_term) (h:string) (a:expr_term) (τ:type_term) (s:type_term) (p:type_term),
(context_contains Γ h (type_morph p s)) ->
Γ |- f \is (type_fun s τ) ->
Γ |- a \is p ->
(expr_tm_app f a) -->δ (expr_tm_app f (expr_tm_app (expr_var h) a))
where "s '-->δ' t" := (delta_step s t).
Inductive eval_step : expr_term -> expr_term -> Prop :=
| E_Beta : forall s t,
(s -->β t) ->
(s -->eval t)
| E_Delta : forall s t,
(s -->δ t) ->
(s -->eval t)
where "s '-->eval' t" := (eval_step s t).
Inductive multi {X : Type} (R : X -> X -> Prop) : X -> X -> Prop :=
| Multi_Refl : forall (x : X), multi R x x
| Multi_Step : forall (x y z : X),

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@ -30,6 +30,33 @@ Inductive expr_term : Type :=
| expr_descend : type_term -> expr_term -> expr_term
Inductive type_DeBruijn : Type :=
| id : nat -> type_DeBruijn
| var : nat -> type_DeBruijn
| fun : type_DeBruijn -> type_DeBruijn -> type_DeBruijn
| univ : type_DeBruijn -> type_DeBruijn
| spec : type_DeBruijn -> type_DeBruijn -> type_DeBruijn
| morph : type_DeBruijn -> type_DeBruijn -> type_DeBruijn
| ladder : type_DeBruijn -> type_DeBruijn -> type_DeBruijn
Inductive expr_DeBruijn : Type :=
| var : nat -> expr_DeBruijn
| ty_abs : expr_DeBruijn -> expr_DeBruijn
| ty_app : expr_DeBruijn -> type_DeBruijn -> expr_Debruijn
| abs : type_DeBruijn -> expr_DeBruijn -> expr_DeBruijn
| morph : type_DeBruijn -> expr_DeBruijn -> expr_Debruijn
| app : expr_DeBruijn -> expr_DeBruijn -> expr_Debruijn
| let : type_DeBruijn -> expr_DeBruijn -> expr_Debruijn -> expr_Debruijn
| ascend : type_DeBruijn -> expr_DeBruijn -> expr_DeBruijn
| descend : type_DeBruijn -> expr_DeBruijn -> expr_DeBruijn
(* values *)
Inductive is_value : expr_term -> Prop :=
| V_Abs : forall x τ e,
@ -44,7 +71,6 @@ Inductive is_value : expr_term -> Prop :=
Declare Scope ladder_type_scope.
Declare Scope ladder_expr_scope.
Declare Custom Entry ladder_type.

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@ -20,11 +20,23 @@ This document lists the Coq-Sourcecode from commit
\inputminted[fontsize=\footnotesize, linenos, mathescape]{coq}{../coq/equiv.v}
\inputminted[fontsize=\footnotesize, linenos, mathescape]{coq}{../coq/subtype.v}
\inputminted[fontsize=\footnotesize, linenos, mathescape]{coq}{../coq/typing.v}
\inputminted[fontsize=\footnotesize, linenos, mathescape]{coq}{../coq/morph.v}
\inputminted[fontsize=\footnotesize, linenos, mathescape]{coq}{../coq/smallstep.v}
\inputminted[fontsize=\footnotesize, linenos, mathescape]{coq}{../coq/soundness.v}

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@ -531,18 +531,18 @@ can be derived from the context \(\Gamma\) where \(\metavariable{e} \in \nonterm
\begin{definition}[Syntactic Well-Typedness]
An expression \(\metavariable{e} \in \nonterm{E}\) is \textbf{syntactically well-typed} if there exists a type \(\metavariable{\tau} \in \nonterm{T}\),
\begin{definition}[Representational Well-Typedness]
An expression \(\metavariable{e} \in \nonterm{E}\) is \textbf{representationally well-typed} if there exists a type \(\metavariable{\tau} \in \nonterm{T}\),
such that \( \emptyset \vdash \metavariable{e} : \metavariable{\tau} \) by \ref{def:typerules}.
\begin{definition}[Semantic Well-Typedness]
An expression \(\metavariable{e} \in \nonterm{E}\) is \textbf{semantically well-typed} if there exists a type \(\metavariable{\tau} \in \nonterm{T}\),
\begin{definition}[Compatible Well-Typedness]
An expression \(\metavariable{e} \in \nonterm{E}\) is \textbf{compatibly well-typed} if there exists a type \(\metavariable{\tau} \in \nonterm{T}\),
such that \( \emptyset \vdash \metavariable{e} :\approx \metavariable{\tau} \) by \ref{def:typerules} and \ref{def:semtyperules}.
\begin{definition}[Syntactic Typing Relation]
\begin{definition}["is" Typing Relation]
@ -626,30 +626,37 @@ such that \( \emptyset \vdash \metavariable{e} :\approx \metavariable{\tau} \) b
\begin{definition}[Semantic Typing Relation]
\begin{definition}["compatible" Typing Relation]
\Gamma\vdash \metavariable{e} : \metavariable{\tau}
\Gamma\vdash \metavariable{e} :\approx \metavariable{\tau}
\Gamma \vdash \metavariable{e} : \metavariable{\sigma} \\
\Gamma , \metavariable{x}:\metavariable{\sigma} \vdash \metavariable{t} :\approx \metavariable{\tau}
\Gamma \vdash (\exprterminal{\text{let }}\metavariable{x}\exprterminal{\text{ = }}\metavariable{e}\exprterminal{\text{ in }} \metavariable{t}) :\approx \metavariable{\tau}
\Gamma \vdash \metavariable{e} :\approx \metavariable{\tau}\\
% \metavariable{\tau} \precsim \metavariable{\tau'}\\
%\exists \metavariable{h} \text{ s.t. }
\Gamma \vdash \metavariable{h}: \typeterminal{\metavariable{\tau}\rightarrow_\text{morph}\metavariable{\tau'}}
\metavariable{h}:\typeterminal{\metavariable{\tau}\rightarrow_\text{morph}\metavariable{\tau'}} \in \Gamma
\Gamma \vdash \metavariable{e} :\approx \metavariable{\tau'}
\Gamma \vdash \metavariable{f} : \metavariable{\sigma} \rightarrow \metavariable{\tau}\\
\Gamma \vdash \metavariable{f} : \metavariable{\sigma} \typeterminal{\rightarrow} \metavariable{\tau}\\
\Gamma \vdash \metavariable{a} :\approx \metavariable{\sigma}
\Gamma \vdash \exprterminal{(\metavariable{f} \text{ } \metavariable{a})} : \metavariable{\tau}
\Gamma \vdash \exprterminal{(\metavariable{f} \text{ } \metavariable{a})} :\approx \metavariable{\tau}
@ -775,13 +782,16 @@ Evaluation of an expression \(\metavariable{e} \in \nonterm{E}\) is defined by e
\exprterminal{\text{ in }}\metavariable{e}
\{ \metavariable{x} \mapsto \metavariable{a} \} \metavariable{e}
\exprterminal{( \lambda \metavariable{x}:\metavariable{\sigma} \mapsto \metavariable{e} )}
\exprterminal{\text{ as }}