From Coq Require Import Lists.List. Require Import Atom. Require Import Environment. Require Import Metatheory. Require Import debruijn. Require Import subtype. Require Import env. Require Import morph. Require Import subst_lemmas. Require Import typing. Require Import typing_weakening. Require Import typing_regular. Require Import typing_inv. Require Import translate_morph. (* * translated morphism path has valid typing *) Lemma transl_preservation : forall Γ e e' τ, (Γ |- e \is τ) -> (Γ |- [[ e \is τ ]] = e') -> (Γ |- e' \is τ) . Proof. intros Γ e e' τ Typing Transl. induction Transl. (* free var *) - assumption. (* let *) - apply T_Let with (L:=L) (σ:=σ). * apply IHTransl. assumption. * intros x Fr. apply H1. assumption. apply typing_inv_let with (L:=L) (s:=e). 1-3:assumption. apply typing_inv_let with (L:=L) (s:=e). 1-3:assumption. (* type abs *) - apply T_TypeAbs with (L:=L). intros x Fr. apply H0. assumption. apply typing_inv_tabs with (L:=L). 1-2:assumption. apply typing_inv_tabs with (L:=L). 1-2:assumption. (* type app *) - apply T_TypeApp. apply IHTransl. assumption. (* abs *) - apply T_Abs with (L:=L). intros x Fr. apply H1. assumption. apply typing_inv_abs with (L:=L). 1-2:assumption. apply typing_inv_abs with (L:=L). 1-2:assumption. (* morph abs *) - apply T_MorphAbs with (L:=L). intros x Fr. apply H1. assumption. apply typing_inv_morph with (L:=L). 1-2:assumption. apply typing_inv_morph with (L:=L). 1-2:assumption. (* app *) - apply T_App with (σ':=σ) (σ:=σ); auto. apply T_App with (σ':=σ') (σ:=σ'); auto. 2-3: apply id_morphism_path. apply T_MorphFun. apply morphism_path_correct with (τ:=σ') (τ':=σ). 3: assumption. 2:admit. (* env wf *) apply typing_regular_type_lc with (Γ:=Γ) (e:=a). assumption. apply typing_regular_type_lc with (Γ:=Γ) (e:=a). assumption. apply morph_regular_lc with (Γ:=Γ) (τ:=σ') (τ':=σ). admit. (* env wf *) apply typing_regular_type_lc with (Γ:=Γ) (e:=a). assumption. assumption. - auto with typing_hints. - auto with typing_hints. - eauto with typing_hints. Admitted.