* CCC Beamer Template ** Install To use the template, simply copy all ~*.sty~ files and the ~ccc_img~ directory to your project directory. You can also install the template in your system, so that you can use it from all your projects. Simply run: ~make install~ ** Usage Simply include ~\usetheme{ccc}~ in your document. #+BEGIN_SRC latex \documentclass{beamer} \usetheme{ccc} \begin{document} \begin{frame}{This is an Awesome Theme!} \end{frame} \end{document} #+END_SRC *** Options - ~cfaedlogo~ places the cfaed logo on every slide - ~noccclogo~ removes the ccc logo from all slides except the title slide ** Build To build the examples, run ~make example~. To build your own presentation, please note that this template does not work with ~pdflatex~. Use ~lualatex~ instead! Please contact me, if you need pdflatex support.