(** Lemmas and tactics for working with and solving goals related to non-membership in finite sets. The main tactic of interest here is [notin_solve]. Authors: Arthur Charguéraud and Brian Aydemir. *) Set Implicit Arguments. Require Import FSetInterface. Require AdditionalTactics. (* *********************************************************************** *) (** * Implementation *) Module Notin (X : FSetInterface.S). Import X. Import AdditionalTactics. (* *********************************************************************** *) (** ** Facts about set (non-)membership *) Lemma in_singleton : forall x, In x (singleton x). Proof. intros. apply singleton_2. generalize dependent x. apply E.eq_refl. Qed. Lemma notin_empty : forall x, ~ In x empty. Proof. auto using empty_1. Qed. Lemma notin_union : forall x E F, ~ In x E -> ~ In x F -> ~ In x (union E F). Proof. intros x E F H J K. destruct (union_1 K); intuition. Qed. Lemma elim_notin_union : forall x E F, ~ In x (union E F) -> (~ In x E) /\ (~ In x F). Proof. intros x E F H. split; intros J; contradiction H. auto using union_2. auto using union_3. Qed. Lemma notin_singleton : forall x y, ~ E.eq x y -> ~ In x (singleton y). Proof. intros x y H J. assert (K := singleton_1 J). auto with *. Qed. Lemma elim_notin_singleton : forall x y, ~ In x (singleton y) -> ~ E.eq x y. Proof. intros x y H J. contradiction H. apply singleton_2. generalize x y J. apply E.eq_sym. Qed. Lemma elim_notin_singleton' : forall x y, ~ In x (singleton y) -> x <> y. Proof. intros. assert (~ E.eq x y). auto using singleton_2. intros J. subst. auto with *. contradict H0. rewrite H0. apply E.eq_refl. Qed. Lemma notin_singleton_swap : forall x y, ~ In x (singleton y) -> ~ In y (singleton x). Proof. intros. assert (Q := elim_notin_singleton H). auto using singleton_1. Qed. (* *********************************************************************** *) (** ** Rewriting non-membership facts *) Lemma notin_singleton_rw : forall x y, ~ In x (singleton y) <-> ~ E.eq x y. Proof. intros. split. auto using elim_notin_singleton. auto using notin_singleton. Qed. (* *********************************************************************** *) (** ** Tactics *) (** The tactic [notin_simpl_hyps] destructs all hypotheses of the form [(~ In x E)], where [E] is built using only [empty], [union], and [singleton]. *) Ltac notin_simpl_hyps := try match goal with | H: In ?x ?E -> False |- _ => change (~ In x E) in H; notin_simpl_hyps | H: ~ In _ empty |- _ => clear H; notin_simpl_hyps | H: ~ In ?x (singleton ?y) |- _ => let F1 := fresh in let F2 := fresh in assert (F1 := @elim_notin_singleton x y H); assert (F2 := @elim_notin_singleton' x y H); clear H; notin_simpl_hyps | H: ~ In ?x (union ?E ?F) |- _ => destruct (@elim_notin_union x E F H); clear H; notin_simpl_hyps end. (** The tactic [notin_solve] solves goals of them form [(x <> y)] and [(~ In x E)] that are provable from hypotheses of the form destructed by [notin_simpl_hyps]. *) Ltac notin_solve := notin_simpl_hyps; repeat (progress ( apply notin_empty || apply notin_union || apply notin_singleton)); solve [ trivial | congruence | intuition auto ]. (* *********************************************************************** *) (** ** Examples and test cases *) Lemma test_notin_solve_1 : forall x E F G, ~ In x (union E F) -> ~ In x G -> ~ In x (union E G). Proof. intros. notin_solve. Qed. Lemma test_notin_solve_2 : forall x y E F G, ~ In x (union E (union (singleton y) F)) -> ~ In x G -> ~ In x (singleton y) /\ ~ In y (singleton x). Proof. intros. split. notin_solve. (* apply notin_singleton. generalize H. apply notin_union. *) Admitted. Lemma test_notin_solve_3 : forall x y, ~ E.eq x y -> ~ In x (singleton y) /\ ~ In y (singleton x). Proof. intros. split. notin_solve. (* notin_solve.*) Admitted. Lemma test_notin_solve_4 : forall x y E F G, ~ In x (union E (union (singleton x) F)) -> ~ In y G. Proof. intros. notin_solve. Qed. Lemma test_notin_solve_5 : forall x y E F, ~ In x (union E (union (singleton y) F)) -> ~ In y E -> ~ E.eq y x /\ ~ E.eq x y. Proof. intros. split. (* notin_solve. notin_solve.*) Admitted. End Notin.