example utils: improve types
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 86 additions and 77 deletions
@ -12,21 +12,21 @@ fn main() {
let mut f0 = unsafe { File::from_raw_fd(0) };
> 0:
( ℕ )
( MachineInt )
( MachineWord )
( Array 8 MachineSlab )
( Pipe Shot (Array 8 MachineSlab) )
( Stream MachineSyllab )
< 1:
( ℕ )
( Sequence (Digit 10) )
( Sequence ASCII )
( Sequence MachineSlab )
( Pipe Shot (Sequence MachineSlab) )
( PositionalInt 10 BigEndian )
( Sequence ( Digit 10 ) )
( Sequence UTF-8-Char )
( Stream UTF-8-Char )
( Stream MachineSyllab )
@ -21,28 +21,48 @@ use {
async fn main() {
let mut td = TypeDict::new();
for tn in vec![
"MachineWord", "MachineInt", "MachineSlab",
"Vec", "NullTerminatedString",
"Sequence", "Ascii",
"MachineWord", "MachineInt", "MachineSyllab",
"Vec", "Stream", "Json",
"Sequence", "UTF-8-Char",
"PositionalInt", "Digit", "LittleEndian", "BigEndian",
"DiffStream", "ℕ"
"DiffStream", "ℕ",
"$src_radix", "$dst_radix"
] { td.add_typename(tn.into()); }
let radix_types = vec![
td.type_term_from_str("( ℕ )").unwrap(),
td.type_term_from_str("( PositionalInt 10 LittleEndian )").unwrap(),
td.type_term_from_str("( Sequence ( Digit 10 ) )").unwrap(),
td.type_term_from_str("( Sequence Ascii )").unwrap(),
td.type_term_from_str("( Sequence MachineSlab )").unwrap()
td.type_term_from_str("( Sequence UTF-8-Char )").unwrap(),
td.type_term_from_str("( Sequence MachineSyllab )").unwrap()
let src_types = vec![
td.type_term_from_str("( ℕ )").unwrap(),
td.type_term_from_str("( PositionalInt $src_radix LittleEndian )").unwrap(),
td.type_term_from_str("( Sequence ( Digit $src_radix ) )").unwrap(),
td.type_term_from_str("( Sequence MachineInt )").unwrap(),
td.type_term_from_str("( DiffStream ( Vec MachineInt ) )").unwrap(),
td.type_term_from_str("( Json )").unwrap(),
td.type_term_from_str("( Stream UTF-8-Char )").unwrap(),
td.type_term_from_str("( Stream MachineSyllab )").unwrap()
let dst_types = vec![
td.type_term_from_str("( ℕ )").unwrap(),
td.type_term_from_str("( PositionalInt $dst_radix LittleEndian )").unwrap(),
td.type_term_from_str("( Sequence ( Digit $dst_radix ) )").unwrap(),
td.type_term_from_str("( Sequence MachineInt )").unwrap(),
td.type_term_from_str("( DiffStream ( Vec MachineInt ) )").unwrap(),
td.type_term_from_str("( Json )").unwrap(),
td.type_term_from_str("( Stream UTF-8-Char )").unwrap(),
td.type_term_from_str("( Stream MachineSyllab )").unwrap()
eprintln!(" Convert Radix of Positional Integer");
let mut args = std::env::args();
args.next().expect("Arg $0 missing!");
eprintln!("\n$1: src_radix");
for t in radix_types.iter() {
eprintln!(" {}", td.type_term_to_str(t));
@ -53,58 +73,29 @@ async fn main() {
eprintln!(" {}", td.type_term_to_str(t));
eprintln!("\n>0: n");
for t in src_types.iter() {
eprintln!(" {}", td.type_term_to_str(t));
eprintln!("\n<1: n");
for t in dst_types.iter() {
eprintln!(" {}", td.type_term_to_str(t));
let mut args = std::env::args();
args.next().expect("Arg $0 missing!");
let src_radix_str = args.next().expect("Arg $1 required!");
let dst_radix_str = args.next().expect("Arg $2 required!");
let src_radix = usize::from_str_radix(&src_radix_str, 10).expect("could not parse src_radix");
let dst_radix = usize::from_str_radix(&dst_radix_str, 10).expect("could not parse dst_radix");
let in_types = vec![
td.type_term_from_str("( ℕ )").unwrap(),
td.type_term_from_str("( PositionalInt )").unwrap()
.num_arg(src_radix as i64)
.arg(td.type_term_from_str("( LittleEndian )").unwrap())
td.type_term_from_str("( Sequence )").unwrap()
td.type_term_from_str("( Digit )").unwrap()
.num_arg(src_radix as i64).clone()
td.type_term_from_str("( Sequence MachineInt )").unwrap(),
td.type_term_from_str("( DiffStream ( Vec MachineInt ) )").unwrap(),
let out_types = vec![
td.type_term_from_str("( ℕ )").unwrap(),
td.type_term_from_str("( PositionalInt )").unwrap()
.num_arg(dst_radix as i64)
.arg(td.type_term_from_str("( LittleEndian )").unwrap()).clone(),
td.type_term_from_str("( Sequence )").unwrap()
td.type_term_from_str("( Digit )").unwrap()
.num_arg(dst_radix as i64).clone()
td.type_term_from_str("( Sequence MachineInt )").unwrap(),
td.type_term_from_str("( DiffStream ( Vec MachineInt ) )").unwrap(),
eprintln!("\n>0: n");
for t in in_types.iter() {
eprintln!(" {}", td.type_term_to_str(t));
eprintln!("\n<1: n");
for t in out_types.iter() {
eprintln!(" {}", td.type_term_to_str(t));
assert!(src_radix > 1);
assert!(dst_radix > 1);
let src_digits_port = ViewPort::new();
let dst_digits_port = ViewPort::new();
@ -10,31 +10,51 @@ fn main() {
eprintln!(" Parse MachineInt from String");
let mut f0 = unsafe { File::from_raw_fd(0) };
> 0:
$1: radix
( ℕ )
( Sequence (Digit 10) )
( Sequence ASCII )
( Sequence MachineSlab )
( Pipe Shot (Sequence MachineSlab) )
( PositionalInt 10 BigEndian )
( Sequence ( Digit 10 ) )
( Sequence UTF-8-Char )
( Sequence MachineSyllab )
let mut f1 = unsafe { File::from_raw_fd(1) };
< 1:
>0: n
( ℕ )
( PositionalInt $radix BigEndian )
( Sequence ( Digit $radix ) )
( Sequence UTF-8-Char )
( Stream UTF-8-Char )
( Stream MachineSyllab )
<1: n
( ℕ )
( MachineInt )
( MachineWord )
( Array 8 MachineSlab )
( Pipe Shot (Array 8 MachineSlab) )
( Stream MachineSyllab )
let mut f0 = unsafe { File::from_raw_fd(0) };
let mut f1 = unsafe { File::from_raw_fd(1) };
let mut args = std::env::args();
args.next().expect("Arg $0 missing!");
let radix_str = args.next().expect("Arg $1 required!");
let radix = u32::from_str_radix(&radix_str, 10).expect("could not parse radix");
if radix > 16 {
panic!("invalid radix! (radix<=16 required)");
let mut chars = Vec::new();
f0.read_to_end(&mut chars);
chars.retain(|c| (*c as char).is_numeric());
f1.write(&u64::from_str_radix(&String::from_utf8_lossy(&chars), 10).unwrap().to_le_bytes());
chars.retain(|c| (*c as char).is_alphanumeric());
f1.write(&u64::from_str_radix(&String::from_utf8_lossy(&chars), radix).unwrap().to_le_bytes());
@ -82,8 +82,6 @@ impl RadixProjection {
impl Observer<dyn SequenceView<Item = usize>> for RadixProjection {
fn reset(&mut self, view: Option<Arc<dyn SequenceView<Item = usize>>>) {
self.src_digits = view;
Add table
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