use { r3vi::{view::{OuterViewPort, singleton::*}, buffer::{singleton::*}}, laddertypes::{TypeDict, TypeTerm, TypeID}, crate::{ repr_tree::{ReprTree, MorphismType, GenericReprTreeMorphism, MorphismBase}, edit_tree::NestedNode }, std::{ collections::HashMap, sync::{Arc, RwLock}, } }; //<<<<>>>><<>><><<>><<<*>>><<>><><<>><<<<>>>> #[derive(Clone)] pub struct Context { /// assigns a name to every type pub type_dict: Arc>, pub morphisms: MorphismBase, /// named vertices of the graph nodes: HashMap< String, Arc> >, /// todo: beautify /// types that can be edited as lists /// do we really need this? pub list_types: Vec< TypeID >, pub meta_chars: Vec< char >, /// recursion parent: Option>>, } impl Context { pub fn with_parent(parent: Option>>) -> Self { Context { type_dict: match parent.as_ref() { Some(p) =>, None => Arc::new(RwLock::new(TypeDict::new())) }, morphisms: MorphismBase::new(), nodes: HashMap::new(), list_types: match parent.as_ref() { Some(p) =>, None => Vec::new() }, meta_chars: match parent.as_ref() { Some(p) =>, None => Vec::new() }, parent, } } pub fn new() -> Self { Context::with_parent(None) } pub fn depth(&self) -> usize { if let Some(parent) = self.parent.as_ref() { + 1 } else { 0 } } pub fn make_repr(ctx: &Arc>, t: &TypeTerm) -> Arc> { let rt = Arc::new(RwLock::new(ReprTree::new( TypeTerm::unit() ))); rt.clone(), t ); rt } pub fn parse(ctx: &Arc>, s: &str) -> TypeTerm {"could not parse type term") } pub fn add_typename(&mut self, tn: &str) -> TypeID { self.type_dict.write().unwrap().add_typename(tn.to_string()) } pub fn add_varname(&mut self, vn: &str) -> TypeID { self.type_dict.write().unwrap().add_varname(vn.to_string()) } pub fn add_synonym(&mut self, new: &str, old: &str) { self.type_dict.write().unwrap().add_synonym(new.to_string(), old.to_string()); } pub fn add_list_typename(&mut self, tn: &str) { let tid = self.add_typename(tn); self.list_types.push( tid ); } pub fn is_list_type(&self, t: &TypeTerm) -> bool { match t { TypeTerm::TypeID(id) => { self.list_types.contains(id) } TypeTerm::Ladder(args) | TypeTerm::App(args) => { if args.len() > 0 { if self.is_list_type(&args[0]) { true } else { false } } else { false } } _ => false } } pub fn get_typeid(&self, tn: &str) -> Option { } pub fn get_fun_typeid(&self, tn: &str) -> Option { match self.get_typeid(tn) { Some(TypeID::Fun(x)) => Some(x), _ => None } } pub fn get_typename(&self, tid: &TypeID) -> Option { } pub fn get_var_typeid(&self, tn: &str) -> Option { match self.get_typeid(tn) { Some(TypeID::Var(x)) => Some(x), _ => None } } pub fn type_term_from_str(&self, tn: &str) -> Result { self.type_dict.write().unwrap().parse(&tn) } pub fn type_term_to_str(&self, t: &TypeTerm) -> String { } /// adds an object without any representations pub fn add_obj(ctx: Arc>, name: String, typename: &str) { let type_tag = .type_dict.write().unwrap() .parse(typename).unwrap(); /* if let Some(node) = Context::make_node(&ctx, type_tag, SingletonBuffer::new(0).get_port()) { ctx.write().unwrap().nodes.insert(name, node); } */ } pub fn get_obj(&self, name: &String) -> Option< Arc> > { if let Some(obj) = self.nodes.get(name) { Some(obj.clone()) } else if let Some(parent) = self.parent.as_ref() { } else { None } } } //<<<<>>>><<>><><<>><<<*>>><<>><><<>><<<<>>>>