improve directory structure

This commit is contained in:
Michael Sippel 2024-09-29 22:52:59 +02:00
parent 54b9d4c06d
commit 355d09145d
Signed by: senvas
GPG key ID: F96CF119C34B64A6
81 changed files with 5366 additions and 0 deletions

beamer/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
* CCC Beamer Template
** Install
To use the template, simply copy all ~*.sty~ files and the ~ccc_img~
directory to your project directory.
You can also install the template in your system, so that you can use it
from all your projects. Simply run: ~make install~
** Usage
Simply include ~\usetheme{ccc}~ in your document.
#+BEGIN_SRC latex
\begin{frame}{This is an Awesome Theme!}
*** Options
- ~cfaedlogo~ places the cfaed logo on every slide
- ~noccclogo~ removes the ccc logo from all slides except the title slide
** Build
To build the examples, run ~make example~.
To build your own presentation, please note that this template does not work
with ~pdflatex~. Use ~lualatex~ instead! Please contact me, if you need
pdflatex support.

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beamer/texput.log Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
This is pdfTeX, Version 3.141592653-2.6-1.40.26 (TeX Live 2024/Arch Linux) (preloaded format=pdflatex 2024.5.29) 23 SEP 2024 17:46
entering extended mode
\write18 enabled.
%&-line parsing enabled.
! Emergency stop.
End of file on the terminal!
Here is how much of TeX's memory you used:
3 strings out of 476023
111 string characters out of 5791582
1925187 words of memory out of 5000000
22228 multiletter control sequences out of 15000+600000
558069 words of font info for 36 fonts, out of 8000000 for 9000
14 hyphenation exceptions out of 8191
0i,0n,0p,1b,6s stack positions out of 10000i,1000n,20000p,200000b,200000s
! ==> Fatal error occurred, no output PDF file produced!

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@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
PACKAGE_STY = $(wildcard *.sty)
PACKAGE_IMG = $(wildcard ccc_img/*)
DESTDIR ?= $(shell kpsewhich -var-value=TEXMFHOME)
INSTALL_DIR = $(DESTDIR)/tex/latex/ccc
EXAMPLE_SRC = example.tex
EXAMPLE_PDF = example.pdf
CACHE_DIR := $(shell pwd)/.latex-cache
COMPILE_TEX := latexmk -lualatex -output-directory="$(CACHE_DIR)"
.PHONY: install uninstall example all clean
all: example
example: $(EXAMPLE_PDF)
install: $(PACKAGE_STY)
@mkdir -p "$(INSTALL_DIR)"
@mkdir -p "$(INSTALL_DIR)/ccc_img"
@cp $(PACKAGE_IMG) "$(INSTALL_DIR)/ccc_img"
@rm -f $(addprefix "$(INSTALL_DIR)"/, $(PACKAGE_STY))
@rm -f $(addprefix "$(INSTALL_DIR)"/, $(PACKAGE_IMG))
@rmdir "$(INSTALL_DIR)/ccc_img"
@rmdir "$(INSTALL_DIR)"
@rm -rf "$(CACHE_DIR)"
@rm -f "$(EXAMPLE_PDF)"

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@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
* CCC Beamer Template
** Install
To use the template, simply copy all ~*.sty~ files and the ~ccc_img~
directory to your project directory.
You can also install the template in your system, so that you can use it
from all your projects. Simply run: ~make install~
** Usage
Simply include ~\usetheme{ccc}~ in your document.
#+BEGIN_SRC latex
\begin{frame}{This is an Awesome Theme!}
*** Options
- ~cfaedlogo~ places the cfaed logo on every slide
- ~noccclogo~ removes the ccc logo from all slides except the title slide
** Build
To build the examples, run ~make example~.
To build your own presentation, please note that this template does not work
with ~pdflatex~. Use ~lualatex~ instead! Please contact me, if you need
pdflatex support.

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@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
% Settings
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@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
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% Items
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\setbeamertemplate{subsection in toc}[subsections numbered]

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@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
% Requirement
% Settings
% Set the font
\setsansfont{Open Sans}
% disable navigation symbols
\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}

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@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
\title{There Is No Largest Prime Number}
\date[ISPN 80]{27th International Symposium of Prime Numbers}
\author[Euclid]{Euclid of Alexandria \texttt{}\inst{1}}
\institute{\inst{1} University of Alexandria}
\frametitle{There Is No Largest Prime Number}
\framesubtitle{The proof uses \textit{reductio ad absurdum}.}
There is no largest prime number.
\item<1-| alert@1> Suppose $p$ were the largest prime number.
\item<2-> Let $q$ be the product of the first $p$ numbers.
\item<3-> Then $q+1$ is not divisible by any of them.
\item<1-> But $q + 1$ is greater than $1$, thus divisible by some prime
number not in the first $p$ numbers.
\begin{frame}{Itemize and Enumerations}
\item one
\item two
\item three
\item one
\item two
\item three
\item one
\item two
\item three
\begin{frame}{Playing with blocks}
Just a block.
\begin{block}{A Block}
Another block with a title and some very long text. This text is so long
that it goes about multiple lines. \\
It is also important to \\
have line breaks working!
Something useful could be written here.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
AdditionalTactics.vo AdditionalTactics.glob AdditionalTactics.v.beautified AdditionalTactics.required_vo: AdditionalTactics.v
AdditionalTactics.vio: AdditionalTactics.v
AdditionalTactics.vos AdditionalTactics.vok AdditionalTactics.required_vos: AdditionalTactics.v
FSetDecide.vo FSetDecide.glob FSetDecide.v.beautified FSetDecide.required_vo: FSetDecide.v
FSetDecide.vio: FSetDecide.v
FSetDecide.vos FSetDecide.vok FSetDecide.required_vos: FSetDecide.v
FSetNotin.vo FSetNotin.glob FSetNotin.v.beautified FSetNotin.required_vo: FSetNotin.v AdditionalTactics.vo
FSetNotin.vio: FSetNotin.v AdditionalTactics.vio
FSetNotin.vos FSetNotin.vok FSetNotin.required_vos: FSetNotin.v AdditionalTactics.vos
ListFacts.vo ListFacts.glob ListFacts.v.beautified ListFacts.required_vo: ListFacts.v AdditionalTactics.vo
ListFacts.vio: ListFacts.v AdditionalTactics.vio
ListFacts.vos ListFacts.vok ListFacts.required_vos: ListFacts.v AdditionalTactics.vos
FiniteSets.vo FiniteSets.glob FiniteSets.v.beautified FiniteSets.required_vo: FiniteSets.v ListFacts.vo AdditionalTactics.vo
FiniteSets.vio: FiniteSets.v ListFacts.vio AdditionalTactics.vio
FiniteSets.vos FiniteSets.vok FiniteSets.required_vos: FiniteSets.v ListFacts.vos AdditionalTactics.vos
Atom.vo Atom.glob Atom.v.beautified Atom.required_vo: Atom.v FiniteSets.vo FSetDecide.vo FSetNotin.vo ListFacts.vo AdditionalTactics.vo
Atom.vio: Atom.v FiniteSets.vio FSetDecide.vio FSetNotin.vio ListFacts.vio AdditionalTactics.vio
Atom.vos Atom.vok Atom.required_vos: Atom.v FiniteSets.vos FSetDecide.vos FSetNotin.vos ListFacts.vos AdditionalTactics.vos
Metatheory.vo Metatheory.glob Metatheory.v.beautified Metatheory.required_vo: Metatheory.v AdditionalTactics.vo Atom.vo Environment.vo
Metatheory.vio: Metatheory.v AdditionalTactics.vio Atom.vio Environment.vio
Metatheory.vos Metatheory.vok Metatheory.required_vos: Metatheory.v AdditionalTactics.vos Atom.vos Environment.vos
Environment.vo Environment.glob Environment.v.beautified Environment.required_vo: Environment.v ListFacts.vo Atom.vo
Environment.vio: Environment.v ListFacts.vio Atom.vio
Environment.vos Environment.vok Environment.required_vos: Environment.v ListFacts.vos Atom.vos
Fsub_Definitions.vo Fsub_Definitions.glob Fsub_Definitions.v.beautified Fsub_Definitions.required_vo: Fsub_Definitions.v Metatheory.vo
Fsub_Definitions.vio: Fsub_Definitions.v Metatheory.vio
Fsub_Definitions.vos Fsub_Definitions.vok Fsub_Definitions.required_vos: Fsub_Definitions.v Metatheory.vos
Fsub_Infrastructure.vo Fsub_Infrastructure.glob Fsub_Infrastructure.v.beautified Fsub_Infrastructure.required_vo: Fsub_Infrastructure.v Fsub_Definitions.vo
Fsub_Infrastructure.vio: Fsub_Infrastructure.v Fsub_Definitions.vio
Fsub_Infrastructure.vos Fsub_Infrastructure.vok Fsub_Infrastructure.required_vos: Fsub_Infrastructure.v Fsub_Definitions.vos
Fsub_Lemmas.vo Fsub_Lemmas.glob Fsub_Lemmas.v.beautified Fsub_Lemmas.required_vo: Fsub_Lemmas.v Fsub_Infrastructure.vo AdditionalTactics.vo
Fsub_Lemmas.vio: Fsub_Lemmas.v Fsub_Infrastructure.vio AdditionalTactics.vio
Fsub_Lemmas.vos Fsub_Lemmas.vok Fsub_Lemmas.required_vos: Fsub_Lemmas.v Fsub_Infrastructure.vos AdditionalTactics.vos
Fsub_Soundness.vo Fsub_Soundness.glob Fsub_Soundness.v.beautified Fsub_Soundness.required_vo: Fsub_Soundness.v Fsub_Lemmas.vo
Fsub_Soundness.vio: Fsub_Soundness.v Fsub_Lemmas.vio
Fsub_Soundness.vos Fsub_Soundness.vok Fsub_Soundness.required_vos: Fsub_Soundness.v Fsub_Lemmas.vos

View file

@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
(** A library of additional tactics. *)
Require Export String.
Open Scope string_scope.
(* *********************************************************************** *)
(** * Extensions of the standard library *)
(** "[remember c as x in |-]" replaces the term [c] by the identifier
[x] in the conclusion of the current goal and introduces the
hypothesis [x=c] into the context. This tactic differs from a
similar one in the standard library in that the replacmement is
made only in the conclusion of the goal; the context is left
unchanged. *)
Tactic Notation "remember" constr(c) "as" ident(x) "in" "|-" :=
let x := fresh x in
let H := fresh "Heq" x in
(set (x := c); assert (H : x = c) by reflexivity; clearbody x).
(** "[unsimpl E]" replaces all occurence of [X] by [E], where [X] is
the result that tactic [simpl] would give when used to evaluate
[E]. *)
Tactic Notation "unsimpl" constr(E) :=
let F := (eval simpl in E) in change F with E.
(** The following tactic calls the [apply] tactic with the first
hypothesis that succeeds, "first" meaning the hypothesis that
comes earlist in the context (i.e., higher up in the list). *)
Ltac apply_first_hyp :=
match reverse goal with
| H : _ |- _ => apply H
(* *********************************************************************** *)
(** * Variations on [auto] *)
(** The [auto*] and [eauto*] tactics are intended to be "stronger"
versions of the [auto] and [eauto] tactics. Similar to [auto] and
[eauto], they each take an optional "depth" argument. Note that
if we declare these tactics using a single string, e.g., "auto*",
then the resulting tactics are unusable since they fail to
parse. *)
Tactic Notation "auto" "*" :=
try solve [ congruence | auto | intuition auto ].
Tactic Notation "auto" "*" integer(n) :=
try solve [ congruence | auto n | intuition (auto n) ].
Tactic Notation "eauto" "*" :=
try solve [ congruence | eauto | intuition eauto ].
Tactic Notation "eauto" "*" integer(n) :=
try solve [ congruence | eauto n | intuition (eauto n) ].
(* *********************************************************************** *)
(** * Delineating cases in proofs *)
(** This section was taken from the POPLmark Wiki
( ). *)
(** ** Tactic definitions *)
Ltac move_to_top x :=
match reverse goal with
| H : _ |- _ => try move x after H
Tactic Notation "assert_eq" ident(x) constr(v) :=
let H := fresh in
assert (x = v) as H by reflexivity;
clear H.
Tactic Notation "Case_aux" ident(x) constr(name) :=
first [
set (x := name); move_to_top x
| assert_eq x name
| fail 1 "because we are working on a different case." ].
Ltac Case name := Case_aux case name.
Ltac SCase name := Case_aux subcase name.
Ltac SSCase name := Case_aux subsubcase name.
(** ** Example
One mode of use for the above tactics is to wrap Coq's [induction]
tactic such that automatically inserts "case" markers into each
branch of the proof. For example:
Tactic Notation "induction" "nat" ident(n) :=
induction n; [ Case "O" | Case "S" ].
Tactic Notation "sub" "induction" "nat" ident(n) :=
induction n; [ SCase "O" | SCase "S" ].
Tactic Notation "sub" "sub" "induction" "nat" ident(n) :=
induction n; [ SSCase "O" | SSCase "S" ].
If you use such customized versions of the induction tactics, then
the [Case] tactic will verify that you are working on the case
that you think you are. You may also use the [Case] tactic with
the standard version of [induction], in which case no verification
is done. *)

View file

@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
(** Support for atoms, i.e., objects with decidable equality. We
provide here the ability to generate an atom fresh for any finite
collection, e.g., the lemma [atom_fresh_for_set], and a tactic to
pick an atom fresh for the current proof context.
Authors: Arthur Charguéraud and Brian Aydemir.
Implementation note: In older versions of Coq, [OrderedTypeEx]
redefines decimal constants to be integers and not natural
numbers. The following scope declaration is intended to address
this issue. In newer versions of Coq, the declaration should be
benign. *)
Require Import List.
(*Require Import Max.*)
Require Import OrderedType.
Require Import OrderedTypeEx.
Open Scope nat_scope.
Require Import FiniteSets.
Require Import FSetDecide.
Require Import FSetNotin.
Require Import ListFacts.
Require Import Psatz.
Require Import AdditionalTactics.
Require AdditionalTactics.
(* ********************************************************************** *)
(** * Definition *)
(** Atoms are structureless objects such that we can always generate
one fresh from a finite collection. Equality on atoms is [eq] and
decidable. We use Coq's module system to make abstract the
implementation of atoms. The [Export AtomImpl] line below allows
us to refer to the type [atom] and its properties without having
to qualify everything with "[AtomImpl.]". *)
Module Type ATOM.
Parameter atom : Set.
Parameter atom_fresh_for_list :
forall (xs : list atom), {x : atom | ~ List.In x xs}.
Declare Module Atom_as_OT : UsualOrderedType with Definition t := atom.
Parameter eq_atom_dec : forall x y : atom, {x = y} + {x <> y}.
(** The implementation of the above interface is hidden for
documentation purposes. *)
Module AtomImpl : ATOM.
(* begin hide *)
Definition atom := nat.
Lemma max_lt_r : forall x y z,
x <= z -> x <= max y z.
induction x. auto with arith.
induction y; auto with arith.
simpl. induction z. lia. auto with arith.
Lemma nat_list_max : forall (xs : list nat),
{ n : nat | forall x, In x xs -> x <= n }.
induction xs as [ | x xs [y H] ].
(* case: nil *)
exists 0. inversion 1.
(* case: cons x xs *)
exists (max x y). intros z J. simpl in J. destruct J as [K | K].
subst. auto with arith.
auto using max_lt_r.
Lemma atom_fresh_for_list :
forall (xs : list nat), { n : nat | ~ List.In n xs }.
intros xs. destruct (nat_list_max xs) as [x H].
exists (S x). intros J. lapply (H (S x)). lia. trivial.
Module Atom_as_OT := Nat_as_OT.
Module Facts := OrderedTypeFacts Atom_as_OT.
Definition eq_atom_dec : forall x y : atom, {x = y} + {x <> y} :=
(* end hide *)
End AtomImpl.
Export AtomImpl.
(* ********************************************************************** *)
(** * Finite sets of atoms *)
(* ********************************************************************** *)
(** ** Definitions *)
Module AtomSet : FiniteSets.S with Module E := Atom_as_OT :=
FiniteSets.Make Atom_as_OT.
(** The type [atoms] is the type of finite sets of [atom]s. *)
Notation atoms := AtomSet.F.t.
(** Basic operations on finite sets of atoms are available, in the
remainder of this file, without qualification. We use [Import]
instead of [Export] in order to avoid unnecessary namespace
pollution. *)
Import AtomSet.F.
(** We instantiate two modules which provide useful lemmas and tactics
work working with finite sets of atoms. *)
Module AtomSetDecide := FSetDecide.Decide AtomSet.F.
Module AtomSetNotin := FSetNotin.Notin AtomSet.F.
(* *********************************************************************** *)
(** ** Tactics for working with finite sets of atoms *)
(** The tactic [fsetdec] is a general purpose decision procedure
for solving facts about finite sets of atoms. *)
Ltac fsetdec := try apply AtomSet.eq_if_Equal; AtomSetDecide.fsetdec.
(** The tactic [notin_simpl] simplifies all hypotheses of the form [(~
In x F)], where [F] is constructed from the empty set, singleton
sets, and unions. *)
Ltac notin_simpl := AtomSetNotin.notin_simpl_hyps.
(** The tactic [notin_solve], solves goals of the form [(~ In x F)],
where [F] is constructed from the empty set, singleton sets, and
unions. The goal must be provable from hypothesis of the form
simplified by [notin_simpl]. *)
Ltac notin_solve := AtomSetNotin.notin_solve.
(* *********************************************************************** *)
(** ** Lemmas for working with finite sets of atoms *)
(** We make some lemmas about finite sets of atoms available without
qualification by using abbreviations. *)
Notation eq_if_Equal := AtomSet.eq_if_Equal.
Notation notin_empty := AtomSetNotin.notin_empty.
Notation notin_singleton := AtomSetNotin.notin_singleton.
Notation notin_singleton_rw := AtomSetNotin.notin_singleton_rw.
Notation notin_union := AtomSetNotin.notin_union.
(* ********************************************************************** *)
(** * Additional properties *)
(** One can generate an atom fresh for a given finite set of atoms. *)
Lemma atom_fresh_for_set : forall L : atoms, { x : atom | ~ In x L }.
intros L. destruct (atom_fresh_for_list (elements L)) as [a H].
exists a. intros J. contradiction H.
rewrite <- InA_iff_In. auto using elements_1.
(* ********************************************************************** *)
(** * Additional tactics *)
(* ********************************************************************** *)
(** ** #<a name="pick_fresh"></a># Picking a fresh atom *)
(** We define three tactics which, when combined, provide a simple
mechanism for picking a fresh atom. We demonstrate their use
below with an example, the [example_pick_fresh] tactic.
[(gather_atoms_with F)] returns the union of [(F x)], where [x]
ranges over all objects in the context such that [(F x)] is
well typed. The return type of [F] should be [atoms]. The
complexity of this tactic is due to the fact that there is no
support in [Ltac] for folding a function over the context. *)
Ltac gather_atoms_with F :=
let rec gather V :=
match goal with
| H: ?S |- _ =>
let FH := constr:(F H) in
match V with
| empty => gather FH
| context [FH] => fail 1
| _ => gather (union FH V)
| _ => V
end in
let L := gather empty in eval simpl in L.
(** [(beautify_fset V)] takes a set [V] built as a union of finite
sets and returns the same set with empty sets removed and union
operations associated to the right. Duplicate sets are also
removed from the union. *)
Ltac beautify_fset V :=
let rec go Acc E :=
match E with
| union ?E1 ?E2 => let Acc1 := go Acc E2 in go Acc1 E1
| empty => Acc
| ?E1 => match Acc with
| empty => E1
| context [E1] => Acc
| _ => constr:(union E1 Acc)
in go empty V.
(** The tactic [(pick fresh Y for L)] takes a finite set of atoms [L]
and a fresh name [Y], and adds to the context an atom with name
[Y] and a proof that [(~ In Y L)], i.e., that [Y] is fresh for
[L]. The tactic will fail if [Y] is already declared in the
context. *)
Tactic Notation "pick" "fresh" ident(Y) "for" constr(L) :=
let Fr := fresh "Fr" in
let L := beautify_fset L in
(destruct (atom_fresh_for_set L) as [Y Fr]).
(* ********************************************************************** *)
(** ** Demonstration *)
(** The [example_pick_fresh] tactic below illustrates the general
pattern for using the above three tactics to define a tactic which
picks a fresh atom. The pattern is as follows:
- Repeatedly invoke [gather_atoms_with], using functions with
different argument types each time.
- Union together the result of the calls, and invoke
[(pick fresh ... for ...)] with that union of sets. *)
Ltac example_pick_fresh Y :=
let A := gather_atoms_with (fun x : atoms => x) in
let B := gather_atoms_with (fun x : atom => singleton x) in
pick fresh Y for (union A B).
Lemma example_pick_fresh_use : forall (x y z : atom) (L1 L2 L3: atoms), True.
(* begin show *)
intros x y z L1 L2 L3. example_pick_fresh k.
(** At this point in the proof, we have a new atom [k] and a
hypothesis [Fr : ~ In k (union L1 (union L2 (union L3 (union
(singleton x) (union (singleton y) (singleton z))))))]. *)
(* end show *)

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@ -0,0 +1,697 @@
(** Operations, lemmas, and tactics for working with environments,
association lists whose keys are atoms. Unless stated otherwise,
implicit arguments will not be declared by default.
Authors: Brian Aydemir and Arthur Charguéraud, with help from
Aaron Bohannon, Benjamin Pierce, Jeffrey Vaughan, Dimitrios
Vytiniotis, Stephanie Weirich, and Steve Zdancewic.
Table of contents:
- #<a href="##overview">Overview</a>#
- #<a href="##functions">Functions on environments</a>#
- #<a href="##env_rel">Relations on environments</a>#
- #<a href="##op_prop">Properties of operations</a>#
- #<a href="##auto1">Automation and tactics (I)</a>#
- #<a href="##props">Properties of well-formedness and freshness</a>#
- #<a href="##binds_prop">Properties of binds</a>#
- #<a href="##auto2">Automation and tactics (II)</a>#
- #<a href="##binds_prop2">Additional properties of binds</a>#
- #<a href="##auto3">Automation and tactics (III)</a># *)
Require Export List.
Require Export ListFacts.
Require Import Atom.
Require Import Coq.Lists.List.
Include ListNotations.
Import AtomSet.F.
Create HintDb EnvHints.
Local Hint Unfold E.eq : EnvHints.
(* ********************************************************************** *)
(** * #<a name="overview"></a># Overview *)
(** An environment is a list of pairs, where the first component of
each pair is an [atom]. We view the second component of each pair
as being bound to the first component. In a well-formed
environment, there is at most one binding for any given atom.
Bindings at the head of the list are "more recent" than bindings
toward the tail of the list, and we view an environment as growing
on the left, i.e., at its head.
We normally work only with environments built up from the
following: the empty list, one element lists, and concatenations
of two lists. This seems to be more convenient in practice. For
example, we don't need to distinguish between consing on a binding
and concatenating a binding, a difference that Coq's tactics can
be sensitive to.
However, basic definitions are by induction on the usual structure
of lists ([nil] and [cons]).
To make it convenient to write one element lists, we define a
special notation. Note that this notation is local to this
particular library, to allow users to use alternate notations if
they desire. *)
Local Notation "[ x ]" := (cons x nil).
(** In the remainder of this library, we define a number of
operations, lemmas, and tactics that simplify working with
environments. *)
(* ********************************************************************** *)
(** * #<a name="functions"></a># Functions on environments *)
(** Implicit arguments will be declared by default for the definitions
in this section. *)
Set Implicit Arguments.
Section Definitions.
Variables A B : Type.
(** The domain of an environment is the set of atoms that it maps. *)
Fixpoint dom (E : list (atom * A)) : atoms :=
match E with
| nil => empty
| (x, _) :: E' => union (singleton x) (dom E')
(** [map] applies a function to all bindings in the environment. *)
Fixpoint map (f : A -> B) (E : list (atom * A)) : list (atom * B) :=
match E with
| nil => nil
| (x, V) :: E' => (x, f V) :: map f E'
(** [get] returns the value bound to the given atom in an environment
or [None] if the given atom is not bound. If the atom has
multiple bindings, the one nearest to the head of the environment
is returned. *)
Fixpoint get (x : atom) (E : list (atom * A)) : option A :=
match E with
| nil => None
| (y,a) :: E' => if eq_atom_dec x y then Some a else get x E'
End Definitions.
Unset Implicit Arguments.
(* ********************************************************************** *)
(** * #<a name="env_rel"></a># Relations on environments *)
(** Implicit arguments will be declared by default for the definitions
in this section. *)
Set Implicit Arguments.
Section Relations.
Variable A : Type.
(** An environment is well-formed if and only if each atom is bound at
most once. *)
Inductive ok : list (atom * A) -> Prop :=
| ok_nil :
ok nil
| ok_cons : forall (E : list (atom * A)) (x : atom) (a : A),
ok E -> ~ In x (dom E) -> ok ((x, a) :: E).
(** #<a name="binds_doc"></a># An environment [E] contains a binding
from [x] to [b], denoted [(binds x b E)], if and only if the most
recent binding for [x] is mapped to [b]. *)
Definition binds x b (E : list (atom * A)) :=
get x E = Some b.
End Relations.
Unset Implicit Arguments.
(* ********************************************************************** *)
(** * #<a name="op_prop"></a># Properties of operations *)
Section OpProperties.
Variable A B : Type.
Implicit Types E F : list (atom * A).
Implicit Types a b : A.
(** ** Facts about concatenation *)
Lemma concat_nil : forall E,
(E ++ nil) = E.
auto using List.app_nil_r.
Lemma nil_concat : forall E,
nil ++ E = E.
Lemma concat_assoc : forall E F G,
(G ++ F) ++ E = G ++ (F ++ E).
auto using List.app_assoc.
(** ** [map] commutes with environment-building operations *)
Lemma map_nil : forall (f : A -> B),
map f nil = nil.
Lemma map_single : forall (f : A -> B) y b,
map f [(y,b)] = [(y, f b)].
Lemma map_push : forall (f : A -> B) y b E,
map f ([(y,b)] ++ E) = [(y, f b)] ++ map f E.
Lemma map_concat : forall (f : A -> B) E F,
map f (F ++ E) = (map f F) ++ (map f E).
induction F as [|(x,a)]; simpl; congruence.
(** ** Facts about the domain of an environment *)
Lemma dom_nil :
@dom A nil = empty.
Lemma dom_single : forall x a,
dom [(x,a)] = singleton x.
simpl. intros.
(* fsetdec.
Lemma dom_push : forall x a E,
dom ([(x,a)] ++ E) = union (singleton x) (dom E).
simpl. intros. reflexivity.
Lemma dom_concat : forall E F,
dom (F ++ E) = union (dom F) (dom E).
induction F as [|(x,a) F IH]; simpl.
rewrite IH.
Lemma dom_map : forall (f : A -> B) E,
dom (map f E) = dom E.
induction E as [|(x,a)]; simpl; congruence.
(** ** Other trivial rewrites *)
Lemma cons_concat_assoc : forall x a E F,
((x, a) :: E) ++ F = (x, a) :: (E ++ F).
End OpProperties.
(* ********************************************************************** *)
(** * #<a name="auto1"></a># Automation and tactics (I) *)
(** ** [simpl_env] *)
(** The [simpl_env] tactic can be used to put environments in the
standardized form described above, with the additional properties
that concatenation is associated to the right and empty
environments are removed. Similar to the [simpl] tactic, we
define "[in *]" and "[in H]" variants of [simpl_env]. *)
Definition singleton_list (A : Type) (x : atom * A) := x :: nil.
Arguments singleton_list [A].
Lemma cons_concat : forall (A : Type) (E : list (atom * A)) x a,
(x, a) :: E = singleton_list (x, a) ++ E.
Lemma map_singleton_list : forall (A B : Type) (f : A -> B) y b,
map f (singleton_list (y,b)) = [(y, f b)].
Lemma dom_singleton_list : forall (A : Type) (x : atom) (a : A),
dom (singleton_list (x,a)) = singleton x.
simpl. intros.
(* fsetdec.
Hint Rewrite
cons_concat map_singleton_list dom_singleton_list
concat_nil nil_concat concat_assoc
map_nil map_single map_push map_concat
dom_nil dom_single dom_push dom_concat dom_map : rew_env.
Ltac simpl_env_change_aux :=
match goal with
| H : context[?x :: nil] |- _ =>
progress (change (x :: nil) with (singleton_list x) in H);
| |- context[?x :: nil] =>
progress (change (x :: nil) with (singleton_list x));
| _ =>
Ltac simpl_env :=
autorewrite with rew_env;
unfold singleton_list in *.
Tactic Notation "simpl_env" "in" hyp(H) :=
autorewrite with rew_env in H;
unfold singleton_list in *.
Tactic Notation "simpl_env" "in" "*" :=
autorewrite with rew_env in *;
unfold singleton_list in *.
(** ** [rewrite_env] *)
(** The tactic [(rewrite_env E)] replaces an environment in the
conclusion of the goal with [E]. Suitability for replacement is
determined by whether [simpl_env] can put [E] and the chosen
environment in the same normal form, up to convertability in Coq.
We also define a "[in H]" variant that performs the replacement in
a hypothesis [H]. *)
Tactic Notation "rewrite_env" constr(E) :=
match goal with
| |- context[?x] =>
change x with E
| |- context[?x] =>
replace x with E; [ | try reflexivity; simpl_env; reflexivity ]
Tactic Notation "rewrite_env" constr(E) "in" hyp(H) :=
match type of H with
| context[?x] =>
change x with E in H
| context[?x] =>
replace x with E in H; [ | try reflexivity; simpl_env; reflexivity ]
(** ** Hints *)
Hint Constructors ok :EnvHints.
Local Hint Extern 1 (~ In _ _) => simpl_env in * : fsetdec.
(* ********************************************************************** *)
(** * #<a name="props"></a># Properties of well-formedness and freshness *)
Section OkProperties.
Variable A B : Type.
Implicit Types E F : list (atom * A).
Implicit Types a b : A.
(** Facts about when an environment is well-formed. *)
Lemma ok_push : forall (E : list (atom * A)) (x : atom) (a : A),
ok E -> ~ In x (dom E) -> ok ([(x, a)] ++ E).
exact (@ok_cons A).
Lemma ok_singleton : forall x a,
ok [(x,a)].
Lemma ok_remove_mid : forall F E G,
ok (G ++ F ++ E) -> ok (G ++ E).
Proof with auto.
induction G as [|(y,a)]; intros Ok.
induction F as [|(y,a)]; simpl... inversion Ok...
inversion Ok. simpl...
Lemma ok_remove_mid_cons : forall x a E G,
ok (G ++ (x, a) :: E) ->
ok (G ++ E).
intros. simpl_env in *. eauto using ok_remove_mid.
Lemma ok_map : forall E (f : A -> B),
ok E -> ok (map f E).
Proof with auto.
induction E as [ | (y,b) E ] ; simpl...
inversion H...
Lemma ok_map_app_l : forall E F (f : A -> A),
ok (F ++ E) -> ok (map f F ++ E).
Proof with auto.
intros. induction F as [|(y,a)]; simpl...
inversion H...
(** A binding in the middle of an environment has an atom fresh from
all bindings before and after it. *)
Lemma fresh_mid_tail : forall E F x a,
ok (F ++ [(x,a)] ++ E) -> ~ In x (dom E).
Proof with auto.
induction F as [|(y,b)]; intros x c Ok; simpl_env in *.
inversion Ok...
inversion Ok; subst. simpl_env in *. apply (IHF _ _ H1).
Lemma fresh_mid_head : forall E F x a,
ok (F ++ [(x,a)] ++ E) -> ~ In x (dom F).
Proof with auto.
induction F as [|(y,b)]; intros x c Ok; simpl_env in *.
inversion Ok...
inversion Ok; subst. simpl_env in *.
(* pose proof (IHF _ _ H1)...
End OkProperties.
(* ********************************************************************** *)
(** * #<a name="binds_prop"></a># Properties of [binds] *)
Section BindsProperties.
Variable A B : Type.
Implicit Types E F : list (atom * A).
Implicit Types a b : A.
(** ** Introduction forms for [binds] *)
(** The following properties allow one to view [binds] as an
inductively defined predicate. This is the preferred way of
working with the relation. *)
Lemma binds_singleton : forall x a,
binds x a [(x,a)].
intros x a. unfold binds. simpl. destruct (eq_atom_dec x x); intuition.
Lemma binds_tail : forall x a E F,
binds x a E -> ~ In x (dom F) -> binds x a (F ++ E).
Proof with auto.
unfold binds. induction F as [|(y,b)]; simpl...
destruct (eq_atom_dec x y)... intros _ J. destruct J.
(* fsetdec.
Lemma binds_head : forall x a E F,
binds x a F -> binds x a (F ++ E).
unfold binds. induction F as [|(y,b)]; simpl; intros H.
destruct (eq_atom_dec x y); intuition.
(** ** Case analysis on [binds] *)
Lemma binds_concat_inv : forall x a E F,
binds x a (F ++ E) -> (~ In x (dom F) /\ binds x a E) \/ (binds x a F).
Proof with auto.
unfold binds. induction F as [|(y,b)]; simpl; intros H...
destruct (eq_atom_dec x y).
destruct (IHF H) as [[? ?] | ?]. left... right...
Lemma binds_singleton_inv : forall x y a b,
binds x a [(y,b)] -> x = y /\ a = b.
unfold binds. simpl. intros. destruct (eq_atom_dec x y).
split; congruence.
(** ** Retrieving bindings from an environment *)
Lemma binds_mid : forall x a E F,
ok (F ++ [(x,a)] ++ E) -> binds x a (F ++ [(x,a)] ++ E).
Proof with auto.
unfold binds. induction F as [|(z,b)]; simpl; intros Ok.
destruct (eq_atom_dec x x); intuition.
inversion Ok; subst. destruct (eq_atom_dec x z)...
destruct H3. simpl_env.
(* fsetdec.
Lemma binds_mid_eq : forall z a b E F,
binds z a (F ++ [(z,b)] ++ E) -> ok (F ++ [(z,b)] ++ E) -> a = b.
Proof with auto.
unfold binds. induction F as [|(x,c)]; simpl; intros H Ok.
destruct (eq_atom_dec z z). congruence. intuition.
inversion Ok; subst. destruct (eq_atom_dec z x)...
destruct H4. simpl_env.
(* fsetdec.
Lemma binds_mid_eq_cons : forall x a b E F,
binds x a (F ++ (x,b) :: E) ->
ok (F ++ (x,b) :: E) ->
a = b.
intros. simpl_env in *. eauto using binds_mid_eq.
End BindsProperties.
(* ********************************************************************** *)
(** * #<a name="auto2"></a># Automation and tactics (II) *)
(** ** Hints *)
Hint Immediate ok_remove_mid ok_remove_mid_cons :EnvHints.
Hint Resolve
ok_push ok_singleton ok_map ok_map_app_l
binds_singleton binds_head binds_tail :EnvHints.
(** ** [binds_get] *)
(** The tactic [(binds_get H)] takes a hypothesis [H] of the form
[(binds x a (F ++ [(x,b)] ++ E))] and introduces the equality
[a=b] into the context. Then, the tactic checks if the equality
is discriminable and otherwise tries substituting [b] for [a].
The [auto] tactic is used to show that [(ok (F ++ [(x,b)] ++ E))],
which is needed to prove the equality [a=b] from [H]. *)
Ltac binds_get H :=
match type of H with
| binds ?z ?a (?F ++ [(?z,?b)] ++ ?E) =>
let K := fresh in
assert (K : ok (F ++ [(z,b)] ++ E));
[ auto
| let J := fresh in
assert (J := @binds_mid_eq _ _ _ _ _ _ H K);
clear K;
try discriminate;
try match type of J with
| ?a = ?b => subst a
(** ** [binds_cases] *)
(** The tactic [(binds_case H)] performs a case analysis on an
hypothesis [H] of the form [(binds x a E)]. There will be one
subgoal for each component of [E] that [x] could be bound in, and
each subgoal will have appropriate freshness conditions on [x].
Some attempts are made to automatically discharge contradictory
cases. *)
Ltac binds_cases H :=
let Fr := fresh "Fr" in
let J1 := fresh in
let J2 := fresh in
match type of H with
| binds _ _ nil =>
inversion H
| binds ?x ?a [(?y,?b)] =>
destruct (@binds_singleton_inv _ _ _ _ _ H);
clear H;
try discriminate;
try subst y;
try match goal with
| _ : ?z <> ?z |- _ => intuition
| binds ?x ?a (?F ++ ?E) =>
destruct (@binds_concat_inv _ _ _ _ _ H) as [[Fr J1] | J2];
clear H;
[ binds_cases J1 | binds_cases J2 ]
| _ => idtac
(* *********************************************************************** *)
(** * #<a name="binds_prop2"></a># Additional properties of [binds] *)
(** The following lemmas are proven in manner that should be
independent of the concrete definition of [binds]. *)
Section AdditionalBindsProperties.
Variable A B : Type.
Implicit Types E F : list (atom * A).
Implicit Types a b : A.
(** Lemmas about the relationship between [binds] and the domain of an
environment. *)
Lemma binds_In : forall a x E,
binds x a E -> In x (dom E).
induction E as [|(y,b)]; simpl_env; intros H.
binds_cases H.
binds_cases H; subst. auto using union_3. fsetdec.
Lemma binds_fresh : forall x a E,
~ In x (dom E) -> ~ binds x a E.
induction E as [|(y,b)]; simpl_env; intros Fresh H.
binds_cases H.
binds_cases H. intuition. fsetdec.
(** Additional lemmas for showing that a binding is in an
environment. *)
Lemma binds_map : forall x a (f : A -> B) E,
binds x a E -> binds x (f a) (map f E).
induction E as [|(y,b)]; simpl_env; intros H.
binds_cases H.
binds_cases H; auto. subst; auto.
Lemma binds_concat_ok : forall x a E F,
binds x a E -> ok (F ++ E) -> binds x a (F ++ E).
induction F as [|(y,b)]; simpl_env; intros H Ok.
inversion Ok; subst. destruct (eq_atom_dec x y); subst; auto.
assert (In y (dom (F ++ E))) by eauto using binds_In.
Lemma binds_weaken : forall x a E F G,
binds x a (G ++ E) ->
ok (G ++ F ++ E) ->
binds x a (G ++ F ++ E).
induction G as [|(y,b)]; simpl_env; intros H Ok.
auto using binds_concat_ok.
inversion Ok; subst. binds_cases H; subst; auto.
Lemma binds_weaken_at_head : forall x a F G,
binds x a G ->
ok (F ++ G) ->
binds x a (F ++ G).
intros x a F G H J.
rewrite_env (nil ++ F ++ G).
apply binds_weaken; simpl_env; trivial.
Lemma binds_remove_mid : forall x y a b F G,
binds x a (F ++ [(y,b)] ++ G) ->
x <> y ->
binds x a (F ++ G).
intros x y a b F G H J.
binds_cases H; auto.
Lemma binds_remove_mid_cons : forall x y a b E G,
binds x a (G ++ (y, b) :: E) ->
x <> y ->
binds x a (G ++ E).
intros. simpl_env in *. eauto using binds_remove_mid.
End AdditionalBindsProperties.
(* *********************************************************************** *)
(** * #<a name="auto3"></a># Automation and tactics (III) *)
Hint Resolve binds_map binds_concat_ok binds_weaken binds_weaken_at_head :EnvHints.
Hint Immediate binds_remove_mid binds_remove_mid_cons :EnvHints.

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

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@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
(** Lemmas and tactics for working with and solving goals related to
non-membership in finite sets. The main tactic of interest here
is [notin_solve].
Authors: Arthur Charguéraud and Brian Aydemir. *)
Set Implicit Arguments.
Require Import FSetInterface.
Require Import AdditionalTactics.
Require AdditionalTactics.
(* *********************************************************************** *)
(** * Implementation *)
Module Notin (X : FSetInterface.S).
Import X.
Import AdditionalTactics.
(* *********************************************************************** *)
(** ** Facts about set (non-)membership *)
Lemma in_singleton : forall x,
In x (singleton x).
apply singleton_2.
generalize dependent x.
apply E.eq_refl.
Lemma notin_empty : forall x,
~ In x empty.
auto using empty_1.
Lemma notin_union : forall x E F,
~ In x E -> ~ In x F -> ~ In x (union E F).
intros x E F H J K.
destruct (union_1 K); intuition.
Lemma elim_notin_union : forall x E F,
~ In x (union E F) -> (~ In x E) /\ (~ In x F).
intros x E F H. split; intros J; contradiction H.
auto using union_2.
auto using union_3.
Lemma notin_singleton : forall x y,
~ E.eq x y -> ~ In x (singleton y).
intros x y H J. assert (K := singleton_1 J). auto with *.
Lemma elim_notin_singleton : forall x y,
~ In x (singleton y) -> ~ E.eq x y.
intros x y H J.
contradiction H.
apply singleton_2.
generalize x y J.
apply E.eq_sym.
Lemma elim_notin_singleton' : forall x y,
~ In x (singleton y) -> x <> y.
intros. assert (~ E.eq x y). auto using singleton_2.
intros J. subst. auto with *.
contradict H0.
rewrite H0.
apply E.eq_refl.
Lemma notin_singleton_swap : forall x y,
~ In x (singleton y) -> ~ In y (singleton x).
assert (Q := elim_notin_singleton H).
auto using singleton_1.
(* *********************************************************************** *)
(** ** Rewriting non-membership facts *)
Lemma notin_singleton_rw : forall x y,
~ In x (singleton y) <-> ~ E.eq x y.
intros. split.
auto using elim_notin_singleton.
auto using notin_singleton.
(* *********************************************************************** *)
(** ** Tactics *)
(** The tactic [notin_simpl_hyps] destructs all hypotheses of the form
[(~ In x E)], where [E] is built using only [empty], [union], and
[singleton]. *)
Ltac notin_simpl_hyps :=
try match goal with
| H: In ?x ?E -> False |- _ =>
change (~ In x E) in H;
| H: ~ In _ empty |- _ =>
clear H;
| H: ~ In ?x (singleton ?y) |- _ =>
let F1 := fresh in
let F2 := fresh in
assert (F1 := @elim_notin_singleton x y H);
assert (F2 := @elim_notin_singleton' x y H);
clear H;
| H: ~ In ?x (union ?E ?F) |- _ =>
destruct (@elim_notin_union x E F H);
clear H;
(** The tactic [notin_solve] solves goals of them form [(x <> y)] and
[(~ In x E)] that are provable from hypotheses of the form
destructed by [notin_simpl_hyps]. *)
Ltac notin_solve :=
repeat (progress ( apply notin_empty
|| apply notin_union
|| apply notin_singleton));
solve [ trivial | congruence | intuition auto ].
(* *********************************************************************** *)
(** ** Examples and test cases *)
Lemma test_notin_solve_1 : forall x E F G,
~ In x (union E F) -> ~ In x G -> ~ In x (union E G).
intros. notin_solve.
Lemma test_notin_solve_2 : forall x y E F G,
~ In x (union E (union (singleton y) F)) -> ~ In x G ->
~ In x (singleton y) /\ ~ In y (singleton x).
apply notin_singleton.
generalize H.
apply notin_union.
Lemma test_notin_solve_3 : forall x y,
~ E.eq x y -> ~ In x (singleton y) /\ ~ In y (singleton x).
intros. split. notin_solve.
(* notin_solve.*)
Lemma test_notin_solve_4 : forall x y E F G,
~ In x (union E (union (singleton x) F)) -> ~ In y G.
intros. notin_solve.
Lemma test_notin_solve_5 : forall x y E F,
~ In x (union E (union (singleton y) F)) -> ~ In y E ->
~ E.eq y x /\ ~ E.eq x y.
intros. split.
(* notin_solve. notin_solve.*)
End Notin.

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@ -0,0 +1,493 @@
(** Definition of Fsub (System F with subtyping).
Authors: Brian Aydemir and Arthur Charguéraud, with help from
Aaron Bohannon, Jeffrey Vaughan, and Dimitrios Vytiniotis.
Table of contents:
- #<a href="##syntax">Syntax (pre-terms)</a>#
- #<a href="##open">Opening</a>#
- #<a href="##lc">Local closure</a>#
- #<a href="##env">Environments</a>#
- #<a href="##wf">Well-formedness</a>#
- #<a href="##sub">Subtyping</a>#
- #<a href="##typing_doc">Typing</a>#
- #<a href="##values">Values</a>#
- #<a href="##reduction">Reduction</a>#
- #<a href="##auto">Automation</a>#
Require Export Metatheory.
(* ********************************************************************** *)
(** * #<a name="syntax"></a># Syntax (pre-terms) *)
(** We use a locally nameless representation for Fsub, where bound
variables are represented as natural numbers (de Bruijn indices)
and free variables are represented as [atom]s. The type [atom],
defined in the [Atom] library, represents names: there are
infinitely many atoms, equality is decidable on atoms, and it is
possible to generate an atom fresh for any given finite set of
We say that the definitions below define pre-types ([typ]) and
pre-expressions ([exp]), collectively pre-terms, since the
datatypes admit terms, such as [(typ_all typ_top (typ_bvar 3))],
where indices are unbound. A term is locally closed when it
contains no unbound indices.
Note that indices for bound type variables are distinct from
indices for bound expression variables. We make this explicit in
the definitions below of the opening operations. *)
Inductive typ : Set :=
| typ_top : typ
| typ_bvar : nat -> typ
| typ_fvar : atom -> typ
| typ_arrow : typ -> typ -> typ
| typ_all : typ -> typ -> typ
Inductive exp : Set :=
| exp_bvar : nat -> exp
| exp_fvar : atom -> exp
| exp_abs : typ -> exp -> exp
| exp_app : exp -> exp -> exp
| exp_tabs : typ -> exp -> exp
| exp_tapp : exp -> typ -> exp
(** We declare the constructors for indices and variables to be
coercions. For example, if Coq sees a [nat] where it expects an
[exp], it will implicitly insert an application of [exp_bvar];
similar behavior happens for [atom]s. Thus, we may write
[(exp_abs typ_top (exp_app 0 x))] instead of [(exp_abs typ_top
(exp_app (exp_bvar 0) (exp_fvar x)))]. *)
Coercion typ_bvar : nat >-> typ.
Coercion typ_fvar : atom >-> typ.
Coercion exp_bvar : nat >-> exp.
Coercion exp_fvar : atom >-> exp.
(* ********************************************************************** *)
(** * #<a name="open"></a># Opening terms *)
(** Opening replaces an index with a term. This operation is required
if we wish to work only with locally closed terms when going under
binders (e.g., the typing rule for [exp_abs]). It also
corresponds to informal substitution for a bound variable, which
occurs in the rule for beta reduction.
We need to define three functions for opening due the syntax of
Fsub, and we name them according to the following convention.
- [tt]: Denotes an operation involving types appearing in types.
- [te]: Denotes an operation involving types appearing in
- [ee]: Denotes an operation involving expressions appearing in
The notation used below for decidable equality on atoms and
natural numbers (e.g., [K === J]) is defined in the [Metatheory]
library. The order of arguments to each "open" function is the
same. For example, [(open_tt_rec K U T)] can be read as
"substitute [U] for index [K] in [T]."
Note that we assume that [U] is locally closed (and similarly for
the other opening functions). This assumption simplifies the
implementations of opening by letting us avoid shifting. Since
bound variables are indices, there is no need to rename variables
to avoid capture. Finally, we assume that these functions are
initially called with index zero and that zero is the only unbound
index in the term. This eliminates the need to possibly subtract
one in the case of indices. *)
Fixpoint open_tt_rec (K : nat) (U : typ) (T : typ) {struct T} : typ :=
match T with
| typ_top => typ_top
| typ_bvar J => if K === J then U else (typ_bvar J)
| typ_fvar X => typ_fvar X
| typ_arrow T1 T2 => typ_arrow (open_tt_rec K U T1) (open_tt_rec K U T2)
| typ_all T1 T2 => typ_all (open_tt_rec K U T1) (open_tt_rec (S K) U T2)
Fixpoint open_te_rec (K : nat) (U : typ) (e : exp) {struct e} : exp :=
match e with
| exp_bvar i => exp_bvar i
| exp_fvar x => exp_fvar x
| exp_abs V e1 => exp_abs (open_tt_rec K U V) (open_te_rec K U e1)
| exp_app e1 e2 => exp_app (open_te_rec K U e1) (open_te_rec K U e2)
| exp_tabs V e1 => exp_tabs (open_tt_rec K U V) (open_te_rec (S K) U e1)
| exp_tapp e1 V => exp_tapp (open_te_rec K U e1) (open_tt_rec K U V)
Fixpoint open_ee_rec (k : nat) (f : exp) (e : exp) {struct e} : exp :=
match e with
| exp_bvar i => if k === i then f else (exp_bvar i)
| exp_fvar x => exp_fvar x
| exp_abs V e1 => exp_abs V (open_ee_rec (S k) f e1)
| exp_app e1 e2 => exp_app (open_ee_rec k f e1) (open_ee_rec k f e2)
| exp_tabs V e1 => exp_tabs V (open_ee_rec k f e1)
| exp_tapp e1 V => exp_tapp (open_ee_rec k f e1) V
(** Many common applications of opening replace index zero with an
expression or variable. The following definitions provide
convenient shorthands for such uses. Note that the order of
arguments is switched relative to the definitions above. For
example, [(open_tt T X)] can be read as "substitute the variable
[X] for index [0] in [T]" and "open [T] with the variable [X]."
Recall that the coercions above let us write [X] in place of
[(typ_fvar X)], assuming that [X] is an [atom]. *)
Definition open_tt T U := open_tt_rec 0 U T.
Definition open_te e U := open_te_rec 0 U e.
Definition open_ee e1 e2 := open_ee_rec 0 e2 e1.
(* ********************************************************************** *)
(** * #<a name="lc"></a># Local closure *)
(** Recall that [typ] and [exp] define pre-terms; these datatypes
admit terms that contain unbound indices. A term is locally
closed, or syntactically well-formed, when no indices appearing in
it are unbound. The proposition [(type T)] holds when a type [T]
is locally closed, and [(expr e)] holds when an expression [e] is
locally closed.
The inductive definitions below formalize local closure such that
the resulting induction principles serve as structural induction
principles over (locally closed) types and (locally closed)
expressions. In particular, unlike the situation with pre-terms,
there are no cases for indices. Thus, these induction principles
correspond more closely to informal practice than the ones arising
from the definitions of pre-terms.
The interesting cases in the inductive definitions below are those
that involve binding constructs, e.g., [typ_all]. Intuitively, to
check if the pre-term [(typ_all T1 T2)] is locally closed we much
check that [T1] is locally closed, and that [T2] is locally closed
when opened with a variable. However, there is a choice as to how
many variables to quantify over. One possibility is to quantify
over only one variable ("existential" quantification), as in
type_all : forall X T1 T2,
type T1 ->
type (open_tt T2 X) ->
type (typ_all T1 T2)
>> or we could quantify over as many variables as possible ("universal"
quantification), as in
type_all : forall T1 T2,
type T1 ->
(forall X : atom, type (open_tt T2 X)) ->
type (typ_all T1 T2)
>> It is possible to show that the resulting relations are equivalent.
The former makes it easy to build derivations, while the latter
provides a strong induction principle. McKinna and Pollack used
both forms of this relation in their work on formalizing Pure Type
We take a different approach here and use "cofinite
quantification": we quantify over all but finitely many variables.
This approach provides a convenient middle ground: we can build
derivations reasonably easily and get reasonably strong induction
principles. With some work, one can show that the definitions
below are equivalent to ones that use existential, and hence also
universal, quantification. *)
Inductive type : typ -> Prop :=
| type_top :
type typ_top
| type_var : forall X,
type (typ_fvar X)
| type_arrow : forall T1 T2,
type T1 ->
type T2 ->
type (typ_arrow T1 T2)
| type_all : forall L T1 T2,
type T1 ->
(forall X : atom, X `notin` L -> type (open_tt T2 X)) ->
type (typ_all T1 T2)
Inductive expr : exp -> Prop :=
| expr_var : forall x,
expr (exp_fvar x)
| expr_abs : forall L T e1,
type T ->
(forall x : atom, x `notin` L -> expr (open_ee e1 x)) ->
expr (exp_abs T e1)
| expr_app : forall e1 e2,
expr e1 ->
expr e2 ->
expr (exp_app e1 e2)
| expr_tabs : forall L T e1,
type T ->
(forall X : atom, X `notin` L -> expr (open_te e1 X)) ->
expr (exp_tabs T e1)
| expr_tapp : forall e1 V,
expr e1 ->
type V ->
expr (exp_tapp e1 V)
(* ********************************************************************** *)
(** * #<a name="env"></a># Environments *)
(** In our presentation of System F with subtyping, we use a single
environment for both typing and subtyping assumptions. We
formalize environments by representing them as association lists
(lists of pairs of keys and values) whose keys are atoms.
The [Metatheory] and [Environment] libraries provide functions,
predicates, tactics, notations and lemmas that simplify working
with environments. The [Environment] library treats environments
as lists of type [list (atom * A)].
Since environments map [atom]s, the type [A] should encode whether
a particular binding is a typing or subtyping assumption. Thus,
we instantiate [A] with the type [binding], defined below. *)
Inductive binding : Set :=
| bind_sub : typ -> binding
| bind_typ : typ -> binding.
(** A binding [(X, bind_sub T)] records that a type variable [X] is a
subtype of [T], and a binding [(x, bind_typ U)] records that an
expression variable [x] has type [U].
We define an abbreviation [env] for the type of environments, and
an abbreviation [empty] for the empty environment.
Note: Each instance of [Notation] below defines an abbreviation
since the left-hand side consists of a single identifier that is
not in quotes. These abbreviations are used for both parsing (the
left-hand side is equivalent to the right-hand side in all
contexts) and printing (the right-hand side is pretty-printed as
the left-hand side). Since [nil] is normally a polymorphic
constructor whose type argument is implicit, we prefix the name
with "[@]" to signal to Coq that we are going to supply arguments
to [nil] explicitly. *)
Notation env := (list (atom * binding)).
Notation empty := (@nil (atom * binding)).
(** We also define a notation that makes it convenient to write one
element lists. This notation is useful because of our convention
for building environments; see the examples below. *)
Notation "[ x ]" := (x :: nil).
(** #<b>#Examples:#</b># We use a convention where environments are
never built using a cons operation [((x, a) :: E)] where [E] is
non-[nil]. This makes the shape of environments more uniform and
saves us from excessive fiddling with the shapes of environments.
For example, Coq's tactics sometimes distinguish between consing
on a new binding and prepending a one element list, even though
the two operations are convertible with each other.
Consider the following environments written in informal notation.
1. (empty environment)
2. x : T
3. x : T, Y <: S
4. E, x : T, F
>> In the third example, we have an environment that binds an
expression variable [x] to [T] and a type variable [Y] to [S].
In Coq, we would write these environments as follows.
1. empty
2. [(x, bind_typ T)]
3. [(Y, bind_sub S)] ++ [(x, bind_typ T)]
4. F ++ [(x, bind_typ T)] ++ E
>> The symbol "[++]" denotes list concatenation and associates to the
right. (That notation is defined in Coq's [List] library.) Note
that in Coq, environments grow on the left, since that is where
the head of a list is. *)
(* ********************************************************************** *)
(** * #<a name="wf"></a># Well-formedness *)
(** A type [T] is well-formed with respect to an environment [E],
denoted [(wf_typ E T)], when [T] is locally-closed and its free
variables are bound in [E]. We need this relation in order to
restrict the subtyping and typing relations, defined below, to
contain only well-formed types. (This relation is missing in the
original statement of the POPLmark Challenge.)
Note: It is tempting to define the premise of [wf_typ_var] as [(X
`in` dom E)], since that makes the rule easier to apply (no need
to guess an instantiation for [U]). Unfortunately, this is
incorrect. We need to check that [X] is bound as a type-variable,
not an expression-variable; [(dom E)] does not distinguish between
the two kinds of bindings. *)
Inductive wf_typ : env -> typ -> Prop :=
| wf_typ_top : forall E,
wf_typ E typ_top
| wf_typ_var : forall U E (X : atom),
binds X (bind_sub U) E ->
wf_typ E (typ_fvar X)
| wf_typ_arrow : forall E T1 T2,
wf_typ E T1 ->
wf_typ E T2 ->
wf_typ E (typ_arrow T1 T2)
| wf_typ_all : forall L E T1 T2,
wf_typ E T1 ->
(forall X : atom, X `notin` L ->
wf_typ ([(X, bind_sub T1)] ++ E) (open_tt T2 X)) ->
wf_typ E (typ_all T1 T2)
(** An environment E is well-formed, denoted [(wf_env E)], if each
atom is bound at most at once and if each binding is to a
well-formed type. This is a stronger relation than the [ok]
relation defined in the [Environment] library. We need this
relation in order to restrict the subtyping and typing relations,
defined below, to contain only well-formed environments. (This
relation is missing in the original statement of the POPLmark
Challenge.) *)
Inductive wf_env : env -> Prop :=
| wf_env_empty :
wf_env empty
| wf_env_sub : forall (E : env) (X : atom) (T : typ),
wf_env E ->
wf_typ E T ->
X `notin` dom E ->
wf_env ([(X, bind_sub T)] ++ E)
| wf_env_typ : forall (E : env) (x : atom) (T : typ),
wf_env E ->
wf_typ E T ->
x `notin` dom E ->
wf_env ([(x, bind_typ T)] ++ E).
(* ********************************************************************** *)
(** * #<a name="sub"></a># Subtyping *)
(** The definition of subtyping is straightforward. It uses the
[binds] relation from the [Environment] library (in the
[sub_trans_tvar] case) and cofinite quantification (in the
[sub_all] case). *)
Inductive sub : env -> typ -> typ -> Prop :=
| sub_top : forall E S,
wf_env E ->
wf_typ E S ->
sub E S typ_top
| sub_refl_tvar : forall E X,
wf_env E ->
wf_typ E (typ_fvar X) ->
sub E (typ_fvar X) (typ_fvar X)
| sub_trans_tvar : forall U E T X,
binds X (bind_sub U) E ->
sub E U T ->
sub E (typ_fvar X) T
| sub_arrow : forall E S1 S2 T1 T2,
sub E T1 S1 ->
sub E S2 T2 ->
sub E (typ_arrow S1 S2) (typ_arrow T1 T2)
| sub_all : forall L E S1 S2 T1 T2,
sub E T1 S1 ->
(forall X : atom, X `notin` L ->
sub ([(X, bind_sub T1)] ++ E) (open_tt S2 X) (open_tt T2 X)) ->
sub E (typ_all S1 S2) (typ_all T1 T2)
(* ********************************************************************** *)
(** * #<a name="typing_doc"></a># Typing *)
(** The definition of typing is straightforward. It uses the [binds]
relation from the [Environment] library (in the [typing_var] case)
and cofinite quantification in the cases involving binders (e.g.,
[typing_abs] and [typing_tabs]). *)
Inductive typing : env -> exp -> typ -> Prop :=
| typing_var : forall E x T,
wf_env E ->
binds x (bind_typ T) E ->
typing E (exp_fvar x) T
| typing_abs : forall L E V e1 T1,
(forall x : atom, x `notin` L ->
typing ([(x, bind_typ V)] ++ E) (open_ee e1 x) T1) ->
typing E (exp_abs V e1) (typ_arrow V T1)
| typing_app : forall T1 E e1 e2 T2,
typing E e1 (typ_arrow T1 T2) ->
typing E e2 T1 ->
typing E (exp_app e1 e2) T2
| typing_tabs : forall L E V e1 T1,
(forall X : atom, X `notin` L ->
typing ([(X, bind_sub V)] ++ E) (open_te e1 X) (open_tt T1 X)) ->
typing E (exp_tabs V e1) (typ_all V T1)
| typing_tapp : forall T1 E e1 T T2,
typing E e1 (typ_all T1 T2) ->
sub E T T1 ->
typing E (exp_tapp e1 T) (open_tt T2 T)
| typing_sub : forall S E e T,
typing E e S ->
sub E S T ->
typing E e T
(* ********************************************************************** *)
(** * #<a name="values"></a># Values *)
Inductive value : exp -> Prop :=
| value_abs : forall T e1,
expr (exp_abs T e1) ->
value (exp_abs T e1)
| value_tabs : forall T e1,
expr (exp_tabs T e1) ->
value (exp_tabs T e1)
(* ********************************************************************** *)
(** * #<a name="reduction"></a># Reduction *)
Inductive red : exp -> exp -> Prop :=
| red_app_1 : forall e1 e1' e2,
expr e2 ->
red e1 e1' ->
red (exp_app e1 e2) (exp_app e1' e2)
| red_app_2 : forall e1 e2 e2',
value e1 ->
red e2 e2' ->
red (exp_app e1 e2) (exp_app e1 e2')
| red_tapp : forall e1 e1' V,
type V ->
red e1 e1' ->
red (exp_tapp e1 V) (exp_tapp e1' V)
| red_abs : forall T e1 v2,
expr (exp_abs T e1) ->
value v2 ->
red (exp_app (exp_abs T e1) v2) (open_ee e1 v2)
| red_tabs : forall T1 e1 T2,
expr (exp_tabs T1 e1) ->
type T2 ->
red (exp_tapp (exp_tabs T1 e1) T2) (open_te e1 T2)
(* ********************************************************************** *)
(** * #<a name="auto"></a># Automation *)
(** We declare most constructors as [Hint]s to be used by the [auto]
and [eauto] tactics. We exclude constructors from the subtyping
and typing relations that use cofinite quantification. It is
unlikely that [eauto] will find an instantiation for the finite
set [L], and in those cases, [eauto] can take some time to fail.
(A priori, this is not obvious. In practice, one adds as hints
all constructors and then later removes some constructors when
they cause proof search to take too long.) *)
Hint Constructors type expr wf_typ wf_env value red.
Hint Resolve sub_top sub_refl_tvar sub_arrow.
Hint Resolve typing_var typing_app typing_tapp typing_sub.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,408 @@
(** Administrative lemmas for Fsub.
Authors: Brian Aydemir and Arthur Charguéraud, with help from
Aaron Bohannon, Jeffrey Vaughan, and Dimitrios Vytiniotis.
This file contains a number of administrative lemmas that we
require for proving type-safety. The lemmas mainly concern the
relations [wf_typ] and [wf_env].
This file also contains regularity lemmas, which show that various
relations hold only for locally closed terms. In addition to
being necessary to complete the proof of type-safety, these lemmas
help demonstrate that our definitions are correct; they would be
worth proving even if they are unneeded for any "real" proofs.
Table of contents:
- #<a href="##wft">Properties of wf_typ</a>#
- #<a href="##oktwft">Properties of wf_env and wf_typ</a>#
- #<a href="##okt">Properties of wf_env</a>#
- #<a href="##subst">Properties of substitution</a>#
- #<a href="##regularity">Regularity lemmas</a>#
- #<a href="##auto">Automation</a># *)
Require Import Coq.Lists.List.
Include ListNotations.
Require Import Fsub_Infrastructure.
Require Import AdditionalTactics.
Include AdditionalTactics.
(* ********************************************************************** *)
(** * #<a name="wft"></a># Properties of [wf_typ] *)
(** If a type is well-formed in an environment, then it is locally
closed. *)
Lemma type_from_wf_typ : forall E T,
wf_typ E T -> type T.
intros E T H; induction H; eauto.
(** The remaining properties are analogous to the properties that we
need to show for the subtyping and typing relations. *)
Lemma wf_typ_weakening : forall T E F G,
wf_typ (G ++ E) T ->
ok (G ++ F ++ E) ->
wf_typ (G ++ F ++ E) T.
Proof with simpl_env; eauto.
intros T E F G Hwf_typ Hk.
remember (G ++ E) as F in |-.
generalize dependent G.
induction Hwf_typ; intros G Hok Heq; subst...
Case "type_all".
pick fresh Y and apply wf_typ_all...
rewrite <- concat_assoc.
apply H0...
Lemma wf_typ_weaken_head : forall T (E:env) (F:env),
wf_typ E T ->
ok (F ++ E) ->
wf_typ (F ++ E) T.
rewrite_env (empty ++ F++ E).
auto using wf_typ_weakening.
Lemma wf_typ_narrowing : forall V U T E F X,
wf_typ (F ++ [(X, bind_sub V)] ++ E) T ->
ok (F ++ [(X, bind_sub U)] ++ E) ->
wf_typ (F ++ [(X, bind_sub U)] ++ E) T.
Proof with simpl_env; eauto.
intros V U T E F X Hwf_typ Hok.
remember (F ++ [(X, bind_sub V)] ++ E) as G.
generalize dependent F.
induction Hwf_typ; intros F Hok Heq; subst...
Case "wf_typ_var".
binds_cases H...
Case "typ_all".
pick fresh Y and apply wf_typ_all...
rewrite <- concat_assoc.
apply H0...
Lemma wf_typ_strengthening : forall E F x U T,
wf_typ (F ++ [(x, bind_typ U)] ++ E) T ->
wf_typ (F ++ E) T.
Proof with simpl_env; eauto.
intros E F x U T H.
remember (F ++ [(x, bind_typ U)] ++ E) as G.
generalize dependent F.
induction H; intros F Heq; subst...
Case "wf_typ_var".
binds_cases H...
Case "wf_typ_all".
pick fresh Y and apply wf_typ_all...
rewrite <- concat_assoc.
apply H1...
Lemma wf_typ_subst_tb : forall F Q E Z P T,
wf_typ (F ++ [(Z, bind_sub Q)] ++ E) T ->
wf_typ E P ->
ok (map (subst_tb Z P) F ++ E) ->
wf_typ (map (subst_tb Z P) F ++ E) (subst_tt Z P T).
Proof with simpl_env; eauto using wf_typ_weaken_head, type_from_wf_typ.
intros F Q E Z P T WT WP.
remember (F ++ [(Z, bind_sub Q)] ++ E) as G.
generalize dependent F.
induction WT; intros F EQ Ok; subst; simpl subst_tt...
Case "wf_typ_var".
destruct (X == Z); subst...
SCase "X <> Z".
binds_cases H...
apply (wf_typ_var (subst_tt Z P U))...
Case "wf_typ_all".
pick fresh Y and apply wf_typ_all...
rewrite subst_tt_open_tt_var...
rewrite_env (map (subst_tb Z P) ([(Y, bind_sub T1)] ++ F) ++ E).
apply H0...
Lemma wf_typ_open : forall E U T1 T2,
ok E ->
wf_typ E (typ_all T1 T2) ->
wf_typ E U ->
wf_typ E (open_tt T2 U).
Proof with simpl_env; eauto.
intros E U T1 T2 Ok WA WU.
inversion WA; subst.
pick fresh X.
rewrite (subst_tt_intro X)...
rewrite_env (map (subst_tb X U) empty ++ E).
eapply wf_typ_subst_tb...
(* ********************************************************************** *)
(** * #<a name="oktwft"></a># Properties of [wf_env] and [wf_typ] *)
Lemma ok_from_wf_env : forall E,
wf_env E ->
ok E.
intros E H; induction H; auto.
(** We add [ok_from_wf_env] as a hint here since it helps blur the
distinction between [wf_env] and [ok] in proofs. The lemmas in
the [Environment] library use [ok], whereas here we naturally have
(or can easily show) the stronger [wf_env]. Thus,
[ok_from_wf_env] serves as a bridge that allows us to use the
environments library. *)
Hint Resolve ok_from_wf_env.
Lemma wf_typ_from_binds_typ : forall x U E,
wf_env E ->
binds x (bind_typ U) E ->
wf_typ E U.
Proof with auto using wf_typ_weaken_head.
induction 1; intros J; binds_cases J...
inversion H4; subst...
Lemma wf_typ_from_wf_env_typ : forall x T E,
wf_env ([(x, bind_typ T)] ++ E) ->
wf_typ E T.
intros x T E H. inversion H; auto.
Lemma wf_typ_from_wf_env_sub : forall x T E,
wf_env ([(x, bind_sub T)] ++ E) ->
wf_typ E T.
intros x T E H. inversion H; auto.
(* ********************************************************************** *)
(** * #<a name="okt"></a># Properties of [wf_env] *)
(** These properties are analogous to the properties that we need to
show for the subtyping and typing relations. *)
Lemma wf_env_narrowing : forall V E F U X,
wf_env (F ++ [(X, bind_sub V)] ++ E) ->
wf_typ E U ->
wf_env (F ++ [(X, bind_sub U)] ++ E).
Proof with eauto 6 using wf_typ_narrowing.
induction F; intros U X Wf_env Wf;
inversion Wf_env; subst; simpl_env in *...
Lemma wf_env_strengthening : forall x T E F,
wf_env (F ++ [(x, bind_typ T)] ++ E) ->
wf_env (F ++ E).
Proof with eauto using wf_typ_strengthening.
induction F; intros Wf_env; inversion Wf_env; subst; simpl_env in *...
Lemma wf_env_subst_tb : forall Q Z P E F,
wf_env (F ++ [(Z, bind_sub Q)] ++ E) ->
wf_typ E P ->
wf_env (map (subst_tb Z P) F ++ E).
Proof with eauto 6 using wf_typ_subst_tb.
induction F; intros Wf_env WP; simpl_env;
inversion Wf_env; simpl_env in *; simpl subst_tb...
(* ********************************************************************** *)
(** * #<a name="subst"></a># Environment is unchanged by substitution for a fresh name *)
Lemma notin_fv_tt_open : forall (Y X : atom) T,
X `notin` fv_tt (open_tt T Y) ->
X `notin` fv_tt T.
intros Y X T. unfold open_tt.
generalize 0.
induction T; simpl; intros k Fr; notin_simpl; try apply notin_union; eauto.
Lemma notin_fv_wf : forall E (X : atom) T,
wf_typ E T ->
X `notin` dom E ->
X `notin` fv_tt T.
Proof with auto.
intros E X T Wf_typ.
induction Wf_typ; intros Fr; simpl...
Case "wf_typ_var".
assert (X0 `in` (dom E))...
eapply binds_In; eauto.
Case "wf_typ_all".
apply notin_union...
pick fresh Y.
apply (notin_fv_tt_open Y)...
Lemma map_subst_tb_id : forall G Z P,
wf_env G ->
Z `notin` dom G ->
G = map (subst_tb Z P) G.
Proof with auto.
intros G Z P H.
induction H; simpl; intros Fr; simpl_env...
rewrite <- IHwf_env...
rewrite <- subst_tt_fresh... eapply notin_fv_wf; eauto.
rewrite <- IHwf_env...
rewrite <- subst_tt_fresh... eapply notin_fv_wf; eauto.
(* ********************************************************************** *)
(** * #<a name="regularity"></a># Regularity of relations *)
Lemma sub_regular : forall E S T,
sub E S T ->
wf_env E /\ wf_typ E S /\ wf_typ E T.
Proof with simpl_env; auto*.
intros E S T H.
induction H...
Case "sub_trans_tvar".
Case "sub_all".
repeat split...
SCase "Second of original three conjuncts".
pick fresh Y and apply wf_typ_all...
destruct (H1 Y)...
rewrite_env (empty ++ [(Y, bind_sub S1)] ++ E).
apply (wf_typ_narrowing T1)...
SCase "Third of original three conjuncts".
pick fresh Y and apply wf_typ_all...
destruct (H1 Y)...
Lemma typing_regular : forall E e T,
typing E e T ->
wf_env E /\ expr e /\ wf_typ E T.
Proof with simpl_env; auto*.
intros E e T H; induction H...
Case "typing_var".
repeat split...
eauto using wf_typ_from_binds_typ.
Case "typing_abs".
pick fresh y.
destruct (H0 y) as [Hok [J K]]...
repeat split. inversion Hok...
SCase "Second of original three conjuncts".
pick fresh x and apply expr_abs.
eauto using type_from_wf_typ, wf_typ_from_wf_env_typ.
destruct (H0 x)...
SCase "Third of original three conjuncts".
apply wf_typ_arrow; eauto using wf_typ_from_wf_env_typ.
rewrite_env (empty ++ E).
eapply wf_typ_strengthening; simpl_env; eauto.
Case "typing_app".
repeat split...
destruct IHtyping1 as [_ [_ K]].
inversion K...
Case "typing_tabs".
pick fresh Y.
destruct (H0 Y) as [Hok [J K]]...
inversion Hok; subst.
repeat split...
SCase "Second of original three conjuncts".
pick fresh X and apply expr_tabs.
eauto using type_from_wf_typ, wf_typ_from_wf_env_sub...
destruct (H0 X)...
SCase "Third of original three conjuncts".
pick fresh Z and apply wf_typ_all...
destruct (H0 Z)...
Case "typing_tapp".
destruct (sub_regular _ _ _ H0) as [R1 [R2 R3]].
repeat split...
SCase "Second of original three conjuncts".
apply expr_tapp...
eauto using type_from_wf_typ.
SCase "Third of original three conjuncts".
destruct IHtyping as [R1' [R2' R3']].
eapply wf_typ_open; eauto.
Case "typing_sub".
repeat split...
destruct (sub_regular _ _ _ H0)...
Lemma value_regular : forall e,
value e ->
expr e.
intros e H. induction H; auto.
Lemma red_regular : forall e e',
red e e' ->
expr e /\ expr e'.
Proof with auto*.
intros e e' H.
induction H; assert(J := value_regular); split...
Case "red_abs".
inversion H. pick fresh y. rewrite (subst_ee_intro y)...
Case "red_tabs".
inversion H. pick fresh Y. rewrite (subst_te_intro Y)...
(* *********************************************************************** *)
(** * #<a name="auto"></a># Automation *)
(** The lemma [ok_from_wf_env] was already added above as a hint since it
helps blur the distinction between [wf_env] and [ok] in proofs.
As currently stated, the regularity lemmas are ill-suited to be
used with [auto] and [eauto] since they end in conjunctions. Even
if we were, for example, to split [sub_regularity] into three
separate lemmas, the resulting lemmas would be usable only by
[eauto] and there is no guarantee that [eauto] would be able to
find proofs effectively. Thus, the hints below apply the
regularity lemmas and [type_from_wf_typ] to discharge goals about
local closure and well-formedness, but in such a way as to
minimize proof search.
The first hint introduces an [wf_env] fact into the context. It
works well when combined with the lemmas relating [wf_env] and
[wf_typ]. We choose to use those lemmas explicitly via [(auto
using ...)] tactics rather than add them as hints. When used this
way, the explicitness makes the proof more informative rather than
more cluttered (with useless details).
The other three hints try outright to solve their respective
goals. *)
Hint Extern 1 (wf_env ?E) =>
match goal with
| H: sub _ _ _ |- _ => apply (proj1 (sub_regular _ _ _ H))
| H: typing _ _ _ |- _ => apply (proj1 (typing_regular _ _ _ H))
Hint Extern 1 (wf_typ ?E ?T) =>
match goal with
| H: typing E _ T |- _ => apply (proj2 (proj2 (typing_regular _ _ _ H)))
| H: sub E T _ |- _ => apply (proj1 (proj2 (sub_regular _ _ _ H)))
| H: sub E _ T |- _ => apply (proj2 (proj2 (sub_regular _ _ _ H)))
Hint Extern 1 (type ?T) =>
let go E := apply (type_from_wf_typ E); auto in
match goal with
| H: typing ?E _ T |- _ => go E
| H: sub ?E T _ |- _ => go E
| H: sub ?E _ T |- _ => go E
Hint Extern 1 (expr ?e) =>
match goal with
| H: typing _ ?e _ |- _ => apply (proj1 (proj2 (typing_regular _ _ _ H)))
| H: red ?e _ |- _ => apply (proj1 (red_regular _ _ H))
| H: red _ ?e |- _ => apply (proj2 (red_regular _ _ H))

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@ -0,0 +1,593 @@
(** Type-safety proofs for Fsub.
Authors: Brian Aydemir and Arthur Charguéraud, with help from
Aaron Bohannon, Jeffrey Vaughan, and Dimitrios Vytiniotis.
In parentheses are given the label of the corresponding lemma in
the appendix (informal proofs) of the POPLmark Challenge.
Table of contents:
- #<a href="##subtyping">Properties of subtyping</a>#
- #<a href="##typing">Properties of typing</a>#
- #<a href="##preservation">Preservation</a>#
- #<a href="##progress">Progress</a># *)
Require Export Fsub_Lemmas.
(* ********************************************************************** *)
(** * #<a name="subtyping"></a># Properties of subtyping *)
(* ********************************************************************** *)
(** ** Reflexivity (1) *)
Lemma sub_reflexivity : forall E T,
wf_env E ->
wf_typ E T ->
sub E T T.
Proof with eauto.
intros E T Ok Wf.
induction Wf...
pick fresh Y and apply sub_all...
(* ********************************************************************** *)
(** ** Weakening (2) *)
Lemma sub_weakening : forall E F G S T,
sub (G ++ E) S T ->
wf_env (G ++ F ++ E) ->
sub (G ++ F ++ E) S T.
Proof with simpl_env; auto using wf_typ_weakening.
intros E F G S T Sub Ok.
remember (G ++ E) as H.
generalize dependent G.
induction Sub; intros G Ok EQ; subst...
Case "sub_trans_tvar".
apply (sub_trans_tvar U)...
Case "sub_all".
pick fresh Y and apply sub_all...
rewrite <- concat_assoc.
apply H0...
(* ********************************************************************** *)
(** ** Narrowing and transitivity (3) *)
Definition transitivity_on Q := forall E S T,
sub E S Q -> sub E Q T -> sub E S T.
Lemma sub_narrowing_aux : forall Q F E Z P S T,
transitivity_on Q ->
sub (F ++ [(Z, bind_sub Q)] ++ E) S T ->
sub E P Q ->
sub (F ++ [(Z, bind_sub P)] ++ E) S T.
Proof with simpl_env; eauto using wf_typ_narrowing, wf_env_narrowing.
intros Q F E Z P S T TransQ SsubT PsubQ.
remember (F ++ [(Z, bind_sub Q)] ++ E) as G. generalize dependent F.
induction SsubT; intros F EQ; subst...
Case "sub_top".
apply sub_top...
Case "sub_refl_tvar".
apply sub_refl_tvar...
Case "sub_trans_tvar".
destruct (X == Z); subst.
SCase "X = Z".
apply (sub_trans_tvar P); [ eauto using fresh_mid_head | ].
apply TransQ.
SSCase "P <: Q".
rewrite_env (empty ++ (F ++ [(Z, bind_sub P)]) ++ E).
apply sub_weakening...
SSCase "Q <: T".
binds_get H.
inversion H1; subst...
SCase "X <> Z".
apply (sub_trans_tvar U)...
binds_cases H...
Case "sub_all".
pick fresh Y and apply sub_all...
rewrite <- concat_assoc.
apply H0...
Lemma sub_transitivity : forall Q,
transitivity_on Q.
Proof with simpl_env; auto.
unfold transitivity_on.
intros Q E S T SsubQ QsubT.
assert (W : type Q) by auto.
generalize dependent T.
generalize dependent S.
generalize dependent E.
remember Q as Q' in |-.
generalize dependent Q'.
induction W;
intros Q' EQ E S SsubQ;
induction SsubQ; try discriminate; inversion EQ; subst;
intros T' QsubT;
inversion QsubT; subst; eauto 4 using sub_trans_tvar.
Case "sub_all / sub_top".
assert (sub E (typ_all S1 S2) (typ_all T1 T2)).
SCase "proof of assertion".
pick fresh y and apply sub_all...
Case "sub_all / sub_all".
pick fresh Y and apply sub_all.
SCase "bounds".
SCase "bodies".
lapply (H0 Y); [ intros K | auto ].
apply (K (open_tt T2 Y))...
rewrite_env (empty ++ [(Y, bind_sub T0)] ++ E).
apply (sub_narrowing_aux T1)...
unfold transitivity_on.
auto using (IHW T1).
Lemma sub_narrowing : forall Q E F Z P S T,
sub E P Q ->
sub (F ++ [(Z, bind_sub Q)] ++ E) S T ->
sub (F ++ [(Z, bind_sub P)] ++ E) S T.
eapply sub_narrowing_aux; eauto.
apply sub_transitivity.
(* ********************************************************************** *)
(** ** Type substitution preserves subtyping (10) *)
Lemma sub_through_subst_tt : forall Q E F Z S T P,
sub (F ++ [(Z, bind_sub Q)] ++ E) S T ->
sub E P Q ->
sub (map (subst_tb Z P) F ++ E) (subst_tt Z P S) (subst_tt Z P T).
Proof with
eauto 4 using wf_typ_subst_tb, wf_env_subst_tb, wf_typ_weaken_head.
intros Q E F Z S T P SsubT PsubQ.
remember (F ++ [(Z, bind_sub Q)] ++ E) as G.
generalize dependent F.
induction SsubT; intros G EQ; subst; simpl subst_tt...
Case "sub_top".
apply sub_top...
Case "sub_refl_tvar".
destruct (X == Z); subst.
SCase "X = Z".
apply sub_reflexivity...
SCase "X <> Z".
apply sub_reflexivity...
inversion H0; subst.
binds_cases H3...
apply (wf_typ_var (subst_tt Z P U))...
Case "sub_trans_tvar".
destruct (X == Z); subst.
SCase "X = Z".
apply (sub_transitivity Q).
SSCase "left branch".
rewrite_env (empty ++ map (subst_tb Z P) G ++ E).
apply sub_weakening...
SSCase "right branch".
rewrite (subst_tt_fresh Z P Q).
binds_get H.
inversion H1; subst...
apply (notin_fv_wf E); eauto using fresh_mid_tail.
SCase "X <> Z".
apply (sub_trans_tvar (subst_tt Z P U))...
rewrite (map_subst_tb_id E Z P);
[ | auto | eapply fresh_mid_tail; eauto ].
binds_cases H...
Case "sub_all".
pick fresh X and apply sub_all...
rewrite subst_tt_open_tt_var...
rewrite subst_tt_open_tt_var...
rewrite_env (map (subst_tb Z P) ([(X, bind_sub T1)] ++ G) ++ E).
apply H0...
(* ********************************************************************** *)
(** * #<a name="typing"></a># Properties of typing *)
(* ********************************************************************** *)
(** ** Weakening (5) *)
Lemma typing_weakening : forall E F G e T,
typing (G ++ E) e T ->
wf_env (G ++ F ++ E) ->
typing (G ++ F ++ E) e T.
Proof with simpl_env;
eauto using wf_typ_weakening,
intros E F G e T Typ.
remember (G ++ E) as H.
generalize dependent G.
induction Typ; intros G EQ Ok; subst...
Case "typing_abs".
pick fresh x and apply typing_abs.
lapply (H x); [intros K | auto].
rewrite <- concat_assoc.
apply (H0 x)...
Case "typing_tabs".
pick fresh X and apply typing_tabs.
lapply (H X); [intros K | auto].
rewrite <- concat_assoc.
apply (H0 X)...
(* ********************************************************************** *)
(** ** Strengthening (6) *)
Lemma sub_strengthening : forall x U E F S T,
sub (F ++ [(x, bind_typ U)] ++ E) S T ->
sub (F ++ E) S T.
Proof with eauto using wf_typ_strengthening, wf_env_strengthening.
intros x U E F S T SsubT.
remember (F ++ [(x, bind_typ U)] ++ E) as E'.
generalize dependent F.
induction SsubT; intros F EQ; subst...
Case "sub_trans_tvar".
apply (sub_trans_tvar U0)...
binds_cases H...
Case "sub_all".
pick fresh X and apply sub_all...
rewrite <- concat_assoc.
apply H0...
(************************************************************************ *)
(** ** Narrowing for typing (7) *)
Lemma typing_narrowing : forall Q E F X P e T,
sub E P Q ->
typing (F ++ [(X, bind_sub Q)] ++ E) e T ->
typing (F ++ [(X, bind_sub P)] ++ E) e T.
Proof with eauto 6 using wf_env_narrowing, wf_typ_narrowing, sub_narrowing.
intros Q E F X P e T PsubQ Typ.
remember (F ++ [(X, bind_sub Q)] ++ E) as E'.
generalize dependent F.
induction Typ; intros F EQ; subst...
Case "typing_var".
binds_cases H0...
Case "typing_abs".
pick fresh y and apply typing_abs.
rewrite <- concat_assoc.
apply H0...
Case "typing_tabs".
pick fresh Y and apply typing_tabs.
rewrite <- concat_assoc.
apply H0...
(************************************************************************ *)
(** ** Substitution preserves typing (8) *)
Lemma typing_through_subst_ee : forall U E F x T e u,
typing (F ++ [(x, bind_typ U)] ++ E) e T ->
typing E u U ->
typing (F ++ E) (subst_ee x u e) T.
(* begin show *)
(** We provide detailed comments for the following proof, mainly to
point out several useful tactics and proof techniques.
Starting a proof with "Proof with <some tactic>" allows us to
specify a default tactic that should be used to solve goals. To
invoke this default tactic at the end of a proof step, we signal
the end of the step with three periods instead of a single one,
e.g., "apply typing_weakening...". *)
Proof with simpl_env;
eauto 4 using wf_typ_strengthening,
(** The proof proceeds by induction on the given typing derivation
for e. We use the remember tactic, along with generalize
dependent, to ensure that the goal is properly strengthened
before we use induction. *)
intros U E F x T e u TypT TypU.
remember (F ++ [(x, bind_typ U)] ++ E) as E'.
generalize dependent F.
induction TypT; intros F EQ; subst; simpl subst_ee...
(** The typing_var case involves a case analysis on whether the
variable is the same as the one being substituted for. *)
Case "typing_var".
destruct (x0 == x); subst.
(** In the case where x0=x, we first observe that hypothesis H0
implies that T=U, since x can only be bound once in the
environment. The conclusion then follows from hypothesis TypU
and weakening. We can use the binds_get tactic, described in
the Environment library, with H0 to obtain the fact that
T=U. *)
SCase "x0 = x".
binds_get H0.
inversion H2; subst.
(** In order to apply typing_weakening, we need to rewrite the
environment so that it has the right shape. (We could
also prove a corollary of typing_weakening.) The
rewrite_env tactic, described in the Environment library,
is one way to perform this rewriting. *)
rewrite_env (empty ++ F ++ E).
apply typing_weakening...
(** In the case where x0<>x, the result follows by an exhaustive
case analysis on exactly where x0 is bound in the environment.
We perform this case analysis by using the binds_cases tactic,
described in the Environment library. *)
SCase "x0 <> x".
binds_cases H0.
eauto using wf_env_strengthening.
eauto using wf_env_strengthening.
(** Informally, the typing_abs case is a straightforward application
of the induction hypothesis, which is called H0 here. *)
Case "typing_abs".
(** We use the "pick fresh and apply" tactic to apply the rule
typing_abs without having to calculate the appropriate finite
set of atoms. *)
pick fresh y and apply typing_abs.
(** We cannot apply H0 directly here. The first problem is that
the induction hypothesis has (subst_ee open_ee), whereas in
the goal we have (open_ee subst_ee). The lemma
subst_ee_open_ee_var lets us swap the order of these two
operations. *)
rewrite subst_ee_open_ee_var...
(** The second problem is how the concatenations are associated in
the environments. In the goal, we currently have
<< ([(y, bind_typ V)] ++ F ++ E),
where concatenation associates to the right. In order to
apply the induction hypothesis, we need
<< (([(y, bind_typ V)] ++ F) ++ E).
We can use the rewrite_env tactic to perform this rewriting,
or we can rewrite directly with an appropriate lemma from the
Environment library. *)
rewrite <- concat_assoc.
(** Now we can apply the induction hypothesis. *)
apply H0...
(** The remaining cases in this proof are straightforward, given
everything that we have pointed out above. *)
Case "typing_tabs".
pick fresh Y and apply typing_tabs.
rewrite subst_ee_open_te_var...
rewrite <- concat_assoc.
apply H0...
(* end show *)
(************************************************************************ *)
(** ** Type substitution preserves typing (11) *)
Lemma typing_through_subst_te : forall Q E F Z e T P,
typing (F ++ [(Z, bind_sub Q)] ++ E) e T ->
sub E P Q ->
typing (map (subst_tb Z P) F ++ E) (subst_te Z P e) (subst_tt Z P T).
Proof with simpl_env;
eauto 6 using wf_env_subst_tb,
intros Q E F Z e T P Typ PsubQ.
remember (F ++ [(Z, bind_sub Q)] ++ E) as G.
generalize dependent F.
induction Typ; intros F EQ; subst;
simpl subst_te in *; simpl subst_tt in *...
Case "typing_var".
apply typing_var...
rewrite (map_subst_tb_id E Z P);
[ | auto | eapply fresh_mid_tail; eauto ].
binds_cases H0...
Case "typing_abs".
pick fresh y and apply typing_abs.
rewrite subst_te_open_ee_var...
rewrite_env (map (subst_tb Z P) ([(y, bind_typ V)] ++ F) ++ E).
apply H0...
Case "typing_tabs".
pick fresh Y and apply typing_tabs.
rewrite subst_te_open_te_var...
rewrite subst_tt_open_tt_var...
rewrite_env (map (subst_tb Z P) ([(Y, bind_sub V)] ++ F) ++ E).
apply H0...
Case "typing_tapp".
rewrite subst_tt_open_tt...
(* ********************************************************************** *)
(** * #<a name="preservation"></a># Preservation *)
(* ********************************************************************** *)
(** ** Inversion of typing (13) *)
Lemma typing_inv_abs : forall E S1 e1 T,
typing E (exp_abs S1 e1) T ->
forall U1 U2, sub E T (typ_arrow U1 U2) ->
sub E U1 S1
/\ exists S2, exists L, forall x, x `notin` L ->
typing ([(x, bind_typ S1)] ++ E) (open_ee e1 x) S2 /\ sub E S2 U2.
Proof with auto.
intros E S1 e1 T Typ.
remember (exp_abs S1 e1) as e.
generalize dependent e1.
generalize dependent S1.
induction Typ; intros S1 b1 EQ U1 U2 Sub; inversion EQ; subst.
Case "typing_abs".
inversion Sub; subst.
exists T1. exists L...
Case "typing_sub".
auto using (sub_transitivity T).
Lemma typing_inv_tabs : forall E S1 e1 T,
typing E (exp_tabs S1 e1) T ->
forall U1 U2, sub E T (typ_all U1 U2) ->
sub E U1 S1
/\ exists S2, exists L, forall X, X `notin` L ->
typing ([(X, bind_sub U1)] ++ E) (open_te e1 X) (open_tt S2 X)
/\ sub ([(X, bind_sub U1)] ++ E) (open_tt S2 X) (open_tt U2 X).
Proof with simpl_env; auto.
intros E S1 e1 T Typ.
remember (exp_tabs S1 e1) as e.
generalize dependent e1.
generalize dependent S1.
induction Typ; intros S1 e0 EQ U1 U2 Sub; inversion EQ; subst.
Case "typing_tabs".
inversion Sub; subst.
exists T1.
exists (L0 `union` L).
intros Y Fr.
rewrite_env (empty ++ [(Y, bind_sub U1)] ++ E).
apply (typing_narrowing S1)...
Case "typing_sub".
auto using (sub_transitivity T).
(* ********************************************************************** *)
(** ** Preservation (20) *)
Lemma preservation : forall E e e' T,
typing E e T ->
red e e' ->
typing E e' T.
Proof with simpl_env; eauto.
intros E e e' T Typ. generalize dependent e'.
induction Typ; intros e' Red; try solve [ inversion Red; subst; eauto ].
Case "typing_app".
inversion Red; subst...
SCase "red_abs".
destruct (typing_inv_abs _ _ _ _ Typ1 T1 T2) as [P1 [S2 [L P2]]].
apply sub_reflexivity...
pick fresh x.
destruct (P2 x) as [? ?]...
rewrite (subst_ee_intro x)...
rewrite_env (empty ++ E).
apply (typing_through_subst_ee T).
apply (typing_sub S2)...
rewrite_env (empty ++ [(x, bind_typ T)] ++ E).
apply sub_weakening...
Case "typing_tapp".
inversion Red; subst...
SCase "red_tabs".
destruct (typing_inv_tabs _ _ _ _ Typ T1 T2) as [P1 [S2 [L P2]]].
apply sub_reflexivity...
pick fresh X.
destruct (P2 X) as [? ?]...
rewrite (subst_te_intro X)...
rewrite (subst_tt_intro X)...
rewrite_env (map (subst_tb X T) empty ++ E).
apply (typing_through_subst_te T1)...
(* ********************************************************************** *)
(** * #<a name="progress"></a># Progress *)
(* ********************************************************************** *)
(** ** Canonical forms (14) *)
Lemma canonical_form_abs : forall e U1 U2,
value e ->
typing empty e (typ_arrow U1 U2) ->
exists V, exists e1, e = exp_abs V e1.
intros e U1 U2 Val Typ.
remember empty as E.
remember (typ_arrow U1 U2) as T.
revert U1 U2 HeqT HeqE.
induction Typ; intros U1 U2 EQT EQE; subst;
try solve [ inversion Val | inversion EQT | eauto ].
Case "typing_sub".
inversion H; subst; eauto.
inversion H0.
Lemma canonical_form_tabs : forall e U1 U2,
value e ->
typing empty e (typ_all U1 U2) ->
exists V, exists e1, e = exp_tabs V e1.
intros e U1 U2 Val Typ.
remember empty as E.
remember (typ_all U1 U2) as T.
revert U1 U2 HeqT HeqT.
induction Typ; intros U1 U2 EQT EQE; subst;
try solve [ inversion Val | inversion EQT | eauto ].
Case "typing_sub".
inversion H; subst; eauto.
inversion H0.
(* ********************************************************************** *)
(** ** Progress (16) *)
Lemma progress : forall e T,
typing empty e T ->
value e \/ exists e', red e e'.
Proof with eauto.
intros e T Typ.
remember empty as E. generalize dependent HeqE.
assert (Typ' : typing E e T)...
induction Typ; intros EQ; subst...
Case "typing_var".
inversion H0.
Case "typing_app".
destruct IHTyp1 as [Val1 | [e1' Rede1']]...
SCase "Val1".
destruct IHTyp2 as [Val2 | [e2' Rede2']]...
SSCase "Val2".
destruct (canonical_form_abs _ _ _ Val1 Typ1) as [S [e3 EQ]].
exists (open_ee e3 e2)...
Case "typing_tapp".
destruct IHTyp as [Val1 | [e1' Rede1']]...
SCase "Val1".
destruct (canonical_form_tabs _ _ _ Val1 Typ) as [S [e3 EQ]].
exists (open_te e3 T)...
SCase "e1' Rede1'".
exists (exp_tapp e1' T)...

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@ -0,0 +1,999 @@
## # The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team ##
## v # Copyright INRIA, CNRS and contributors ##
## <O___,, # (see version control and CREDITS file for authors & dates) ##
## \VV/ ###############################################################
## // # This file is distributed under the terms of the ##
## # GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 ##
## # (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) ##
## GNUMakefile for Coq 8.19.2
# For debugging purposes (must stay here, don't move below)
# To implement recursion we save the name of the main Makefile
SELF := $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))
PARENT := $(firstword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))
# This file is generated by coq_makefile and contains many variable
# definitions, like the list of .v files or the path to Coq
include Makefile.conf
# Put in place old names
Makefile.conf: _CoqProject
coq_makefile -f _CoqProject -o Makefile
# This file can be created by the user to hook into double colon rules or
# add any other Makefile code he may need
-include Makefile.local
# Parameters ##################################################################
# Parameters are make variable assignments.
# They can be passed to (each call to) make on the command line.
# They can also be put in Makefile.local once and for all.
# For retro-compatibility reasons they can be put in the _CoqProject, but this
# practice is discouraged since _CoqProject better not contain make specific
# code (be nice to user interfaces).
# Set KEEP_ERROR to have make keep files produced by failing rules.
# By default, KEEP_ERROR is empty. So for instance if coqc creates a .vo but
# then fails to native compile, the .vo will be deleted.
# May confuse make so use only for debugging.
ifeq (,$(KEEP_ERROR))
# Print shell commands (set to non empty)
# Time the Coq process (set to non empty), and how (see default value)
# Use command time on linux, gtime on Mac OS
TIMEFMT?="$(if $(findstring undefined, $(flavor 1)),$@,$(1)) (real: %e, user: %U, sys: %S, mem: %M ko)"
ifneq (,$(TIMED))
ifeq (0,$(shell command time -f "" true >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; echo $$?))
STDTIME?=command time -f $(TIMEFMT)
ifeq (0,$(shell gtime -f "" true >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; echo $$?))
STDTIME?=gtime -f $(TIMEFMT)
STDTIME?=command time
STDTIME?=command time -f $(TIMEFMT)
ifneq (,$(COQBIN))
# add an ending /
# Coq binaries
COQC ?= "$(COQBIN)coqc"
COQTOP ?= "$(COQBIN)coqtop"
COQCHK ?= "$(COQBIN)coqchk"
COQNATIVE ?= "$(COQBIN)coqnative"
COQDEP ?= "$(COQBIN)coqdep"
COQDOC ?= "$(COQBIN)coqdoc"
COQPP ?= "$(COQBIN)coqpp"
COQMKFILE ?= "$(COQBIN)coq_makefile"
OCAMLLIBDEP ?= "$(COQBIN)ocamllibdep"
# Timing scripts
# OCaml binaries
CAMLC ?= "$(OCAMLFIND)" ocamlc -c
CAMLLINK ?= "$(OCAMLFIND)" ocamlc -linkall
CAMLOPTLINK ?= "$(OCAMLFIND)" opt -linkall
CAMLDOC ?= "$(OCAMLFIND)" ocamldoc
CAMLDEP ?= "$(OCAMLFIND)" ocamldep -slash -ml-synonym .mlpack
# DESTDIR is prepended to all installation paths
# Debug builds, typically -g to OCaml, -debug to Coq.
# Extra packages to be linked in (as in findlib -package)
FINDLIBPKGS = -package coq-core.plugins.ltac $(CAMLPKGS)
# Option for making timing files
# Option for changing sorting of timing output file
# Option for changing the fuzz parameter on the output file
# Option for changing whether to use real or user time for timing tables
# Option for including the memory column(s)
# Option for sorting by the memory column
# Output file names for timed builds
TIME_OF_BUILD_FILE ?= time-of-build.log
TIME_OF_BUILD_BEFORE_FILE ?= time-of-build-before.log
TIME_OF_BUILD_AFTER_FILE ?= time-of-build-after.log
TIME_OF_PRETTY_BUILD_FILE ?= time-of-build-pretty.log
TIME_OF_PRETTY_BOTH_BUILD_FILE ?= time-of-build-both.log
TIME_OF_PRETTY_BUILD_EXTRA_FILES ?= - # also output to the command line
# Retro compatibility (DESTDIR is standard on Unix, DSTROOT is not)
# Substitution of the path by appending $(DESTDIR) if needed.
# The variable $(COQMF_WINDRIVE) can be needed for Cygwin environments.
windrive_path = $(if $(COQMF_WINDRIVE),$(subst $(COQMF_WINDRIVE),/,$(1)),$(1))
destination_path = $(if $(DESTDIR),$(DESTDIR)/$(call windrive_path,$(1)),$(1))
# Installation paths of libraries and documentation.
COQLIBINSTALL ?= $(call destination_path,$(COQLIB)/user-contrib)
COQDOCINSTALL ?= $(call destination_path,$(DOCDIR)/coq/user-contrib)
COQPLUGININSTALL ?= $(call destination_path,$(COQCORELIB)/..)
COQTOPINSTALL ?= $(call destination_path,$(COQLIB)/toploop) # FIXME: Unused variable?
# findlib files installation
# we need to move out of sight $(METAFILE) otherwise findlib thinks the
# package is already installed
findlib_install = \
$(HIDE)if [ "$(METAFILE)" ]; then \
mv "$(METAFILE)" "$(METAFILE).skip" ; \
rc=$$?; \
mv "$(METAFILE).skip" "$(METAFILE)"; \
exit $$rc; \
findlib_remove = \
$(HIDE)if [ ! -z "$(METAFILE)" ]; then\
########## End of parameters ##################################################
# What follows may be relevant to you only if you need to
# extend this Makefile. If so, look for 'Extension point' here and
# put in Makefile.local double colon rules accordingly.
# E.g. to perform some work after the all target completes you can write
# post-all::
# echo "All done!"
# in Makefile.local
# Flags #######################################################################
# We define a bunch of variables combining the parameters.
# To add additional flags to coq, coqchk or coqdoc, set the
# {COQ,COQCHK,COQDOC}EXTRAFLAGS variable to whatever you want to add.
# To overwrite the default choice and set your own flags entirely, set the
SHOW := $(if $(VERBOSE),@true "",@echo "")
HIDE := $(if $(VERBOSE),,@)
# The DYNOBJ and DYNLIB variables are used by "coqdep -dyndep var" in .v.d
ifeq '$(OPT)' '-byte'
# these variables are meant to be overridden if you want to add *extra* flags
# Find the last argument of the form "-native-compiler FLAG"
$(subst -native-compiler-,,\
$(lastword \
$(filter -native-compiler-%,\
$(subst -native-compiler ,-native-compiler-,\
$(strip $(COQEXTRAFLAGS)))))))
$(filter-out -native-compiler-%,\
$(subst -native-compiler ,-native-compiler-,\
$(strip $(COQEXTRAFLAGS)))))
COQNATIVEFLAG="-w" "-deprecated-native-compiler-option" "-native-compiler" "ondemand"
ifeq '$(COQACTUALNATIVEFLAG)' 'ondemand'
COQNATIVEFLAG="-w" "-deprecated-native-compiler-option" "-native-compiler" "ondemand"
COQNATIVEFLAG="-w" "-deprecated-native-compiler-option" "-native-compiler" "no"
# these flags do NOT contain the libraries, to make them easier to overwrite
# The version of Coq being run and the version of coq_makefile that
# generated this makefile
COQ_VERSION:=$(shell $(COQC) --print-version | cut -d " " -f 1)
# COQ_SRC_SUBDIRS is for user-overriding, usually to add
# `user-contrib/Foo` to the includes, we keep COQCORE_SRC_SUBDIRS for
# Coq's own core libraries, which should be replaced by ocamlfind
# options at some point.
COQSRCLIBS?= $(foreach d,$(COQ_SRC_SUBDIRS), -I "$(COQLIB)/$(d)")
# ocamldoc fails with unknown argument otherwise
CAMLDOCFLAGS:=$(filter-out -annot, $(filter-out -bin-annot, $(CAMLFLAGS)))
ifneq (,$(TIMING))
ifeq (after,$(TIMING))
ifeq (before,$(TIMING))
TIMING_ARG=-time-file $<.$(TIMING_EXT)
ifneq (,$(PROFILING))
PROFILE_ARG=-profile $<.prof.json
PROFILE_ZIP=gzip $<.prof.json
# Files #######################################################################
# We here define a bunch of variables about the files being part of the
# Coq project in order to ease the writing of build target and build rules
VDFILE := .Makefile.d
# helpers
vo_to_obj = $(addsuffix .o,\
$(filter-out Warning: Error:,\
$(shell $(COQTOP) -q -noinit -batch -quiet -print-mod-uid $(1))))
strip_dotslash = $(patsubst ./%,%,$(1))
# without this we get undefined variables in the expansion for the
# targets of the [deprecated,use-mllib-or-mlpack] rule
with_undef = $(if $(filter-out undefined, $(origin $(1))),$($(1)))
VO = vo
VOS = vos
GLOBFILES = $(VFILES:.v=.glob)
HTMLFILES = $(VFILES:.v=.html)
GHTMLFILES = $(VFILES:.v=.g.html)
BEAUTYFILES = $(addsuffix .beautified,$(VFILES))
TEXFILES = $(VFILES:.v=.tex)
GTEXFILES = $(VFILES:.v=.g.tex)
$(MLGFILES:.mlg=.cmo) \
$( \
CMXFILES = $(CMOFILES:.cmo=.cmx)
OFILES = $(CMXFILES:.cmx=.o)
CMAFILES = $(MLLIBFILES:.mllib=.cma) $(MLPACKFILES:.mlpack=.cma)
CMXAFILES = $(CMAFILES:.cma=.cmxa)
$(CMOFILES:.cmo=.cmi) \
# the /if/ is because old _CoqProject did not list a .ml(pack|lib) but just
# a .mlg file
$(MLPACKFILES:.mlpack=.cmxs) \
$(CMXAFILES:.cmxa=.cmxs) \
$(MLGFILES:.mlg=.cmxs) $(
# files that are packed into a plugin (no extension)
$(call strip_dotslash, \
$(foreach lib, \
$(call strip_dotslash, \
$(MLPACKFILES:.mlpack=_MLPACK_DEPENDENCIES)),$(call with_undef,$(lib))))
# files that are archived into a .cma (mllib)
$(call strip_dotslash, \
$(foreach lib, \
$(call strip_dotslash, \
$(MLLIBFILES:.mllib=_MLLIB_DEPENDENCIES)),$(call with_undef,$(lib))))
CMIFILESTOINSTALL = $(filter-out $(addsuffix .cmi,$(PACKEDFILES)),$(CMIFILES))
CMOFILESTOINSTALL = $(filter-out $(addsuffix .cmo,$(PACKEDFILES)),$(CMOFILES))
OBJFILES = $(call vo_to_obj,$(VOFILES))
$(OBJFILES:.o=.cmi) \
$(OBJFILES:.o=.cmx) \
FINDLIBPACKAGE=$(patsubst .%,%,$(suffix $(METAFILE)))
# trick: wildcard filters out non-existing files, so that `install` doesn't show
# warnings and `clean` doesn't pass to rm a list of files that is too long for
# the shell.
$(CMXSFILES) # to be removed when we remove legacy loading
ifeq '$(HASNATDYNLINK)' 'true'
ALLDFILES = $(addsuffix .d,$(ALLSRCFILES)) $(VDFILE)
# Compilation targets #########################################################
$(HIDE)$(MAKE) --no-print-directory -f "$(SELF)" pre-all
$(HIDE)$(MAKE) --no-print-directory -f "$(SELF)" real-all
$(HIDE)$(MAKE) --no-print-directory -f "$(SELF)" post-all
.PHONY: all
$(HIDE)$(MAKE) --no-print-directory -f "$(SELF)" pre-all
$(HIDE)$(MAKE) --no-print-directory -f "$(SELF)" real-all.timing.diff TIME_OF_PRETTY_BUILD_EXTRA_FILES=""
$(HIDE)$(MAKE) --no-print-directory -f "$(SELF)" post-all
.PHONY: all.timing.diff
ifeq (0,$(TIMING_REAL))
ifeq (1,$(TIMING_REAL))
TIMING_INCLUDE_MEM_ARG := --no-include-mem
ifeq (1,$(TIMING_SORT_BY_MEM))
TIMING_SORT_BY_MEM_ARG := --sort-by-mem
make-pretty-timed-before:: TIME_OF_BUILD_FILE=$(TIME_OF_BUILD_BEFORE_FILE)
make-pretty-timed-after:: TIME_OF_BUILD_FILE=$(TIME_OF_BUILD_AFTER_FILE)
make-pretty-timed make-pretty-timed-before make-pretty-timed-after::
$(HIDE)rm -f pretty-timed-success.ok
$(HIDE)($(MAKE) --no-print-directory -f "$(PARENT)" $(TGTS) TIMED=1 2>&1 && touch pretty-timed-success.ok) | tee -a $(TIME_OF_BUILD_FILE)
$(HIDE)rm pretty-timed-success.ok # must not be -f; must fail if the touch failed
ifeq (,$(BEFORE))
@echo 'Error: Usage: $(MAKE) print-pretty-single-time-diff AFTER=path/to/file.v.after-timing BEFORE=path/to/file.v.before-timing'
ifeq (,$(AFTER))
@echo 'Error: Usage: $(MAKE) print-pretty-single-time-diff AFTER=path/to/file.v.after-timing BEFORE=path/to/file.v.before-timing'
$(HIDE)$(MAKE) --no-print-directory -f "$(PARENT)" make-pretty-timed
$(HIDE)$(MAKE) --no-print-directory -f "$(SELF)" print-pretty-timed
.PHONY: pretty-timed make-pretty-timed make-pretty-timed-before make-pretty-timed-after print-pretty-timed print-pretty-timed-diff print-pretty-single-time-diff
# Extension points for actions to be performed before/after the all target
@# Extension point
$(HIDE)if [ "$(COQMAKEFILE_VERSION)" != "$(COQ_VERSION)" ]; then\
echo "W: This Makefile was generated by Coq $(COQMAKEFILE_VERSION)";\
echo "W: while the current Coq version is $(COQ_VERSION)";\
.PHONY: pre-all
@# Extension point
.PHONY: post-all
real-all: $(VOFILES) $(if $(USEBYTE),bytefiles,optfiles)
.PHONY: real-all
real-all.timing.diff: $(VOFILES:.vo=.v.timing.diff)
.PHONY: real-all.timing.diff
bytefiles: $(CMOFILES) $(CMAFILES)
.PHONY: bytefiles
optfiles: $(if $(DO_NATDYNLINK),$(CMXSFILES))
.PHONY: optfiles
# FIXME, see Ralf's bugreport
# quick is deprecated, now renamed vio
vio: $(VOFILES:.vo=.vio)
.PHONY: vio
quick: vio
$(warning "'make quick' is deprecated, use 'make vio' or consider using 'vos' files")
.PHONY: quick
-schedule-vio2vo $(J) $(VOFILES:%.vo=%.vio)
.PHONY: vio2vo
# quick2vo is undocumented
$(HIDE)make -j $(J) vio
$(HIDE)VIOFILES=$$(for vofile in $(VOFILES); do \
viofile="$$(echo "$$vofile" | sed "s/\.vo$$/.vio/")"; \
if [ "$$vofile" -ot "$$viofile" -o ! -e "$$vofile" ]; then printf "$$viofile "; fi; \
done); \
echo "VIO2VO: $$VIOFILES"; \
if [ -n "$$VIOFILES" ]; then \
$(TIMER) $(COQC) $(COQDEBUG) $(COQFLAGS) $(COQLIBS) -schedule-vio2vo $(J) $$VIOFILES; \
.PHONY: quick2vo
-schedule-vio-checking $(J) $(VOFILES:%.vo=%.vio)
.PHONY: checkproofs
vos: $(VOFILES:%.vo=%.vos)
.PHONY: vos
vok: $(VOFILES:%.vo=%.vok)
.PHONY: vok
validate: $(VOFILES)
.PHONY: validate
only: $(TGTS)
.PHONY: only
# Documentation targets #######################################################
$(SHOW)'COQDOC -d html $(GAL)'
$(HIDE)mkdir -p html
-toc $(COQDOCFLAGS) -html $(GAL) $(COQDOCLIBS) -d html $(VFILES)
mlihtml: $(MLIFILES:.mli=.cmi)
$(SHOW)'CAMLDOC -d $@'
$(HIDE)mkdir $@ || rm -rf $@/*
$(HIDE)$(CAMLDOC) -html \
all-mli.tex: $(MLIFILES:.mli=.cmi)
$(SHOW)'CAMLDOC -latex $@'
$(HIDE)$(CAMLDOC) -latex \
$(SHOW)'COQDOC -ps $(GAL)'
-o $@ `$(COQDEP) -sort $(VFILES)`
all.pdf: $(VFILES)
$(SHOW)'COQDOC -pdf $(GAL)'
-o $@ `$(COQDEP) -sort $(VFILES)`
# FIXME: not quite right, since the output name is different
gallinahtml: GAL=-g
gallinahtml: html GAL=-g
all-gal.pdf: GAL=-g
all-gal.pdf: all.pdf
# ?
beautify: $(BEAUTYFILES)
for file in $^; do mv $${file%.beautified} $${file%beautified}old && mv $${file} $${file%.beautified}; done
@echo 'Do not do "make clean" until you are sure that everything went well!'
@echo 'If there were a problem, execute "for file in $$(find . -name \*.v.old -print); do mv $${file} $${file%.old}; done" in your shell/'
.PHONY: beautify
# Installation targets ########################################################
# There rules can be extended in Makefile.local
# Extensions can't assume when they run.
# We use $(file) to avoid generating a very long command string to pass to the shell
# (cf
# However Apple ships old make which doesn't have $(file) so we need a fallback
$(file >.hasfile,1)
HASFILE:=$(shell if [ -e .hasfile ]; then echo 1; rm .hasfile; fi)
MKFILESTOINSTALL= $(if $(HASFILE),$(file >.filestoinstall,$(FILESTOINSTALL)),\
$(shell rm -f .filestoinstall) \
$(foreach x,$(FILESTOINSTALL),$(shell printf '%s\n' "$x" >> .filestoinstall)))
# findlib needs the package to not be installed, so we remove it before
# installing it (see the call to findlib_remove)
install: META
$(HIDE)code=0; for f in $$(cat .filestoinstall); do\
if ! [ -f "$$f" ]; then >&2 echo $$f does not exist; code=1; fi \
done; exit $$code
$(HIDE)for f in $$(cat .filestoinstall); do\
df="`$(COQMKFILE) -destination-of "$$f" $(COQLIBS)`";\
if [ "$$?" != "0" -o -z "$$df" ]; then\
echo SKIP "$$f" since it has no logical path;\
install -d "$(COQLIBINSTALL)/$$df" &&\
install -m 0644 "$$f" "$(COQLIBINSTALL)/$$df" &&\
echo INSTALL "$$f" "$(COQLIBINSTALL)/$$df";\
$(call findlib_remove)
$(call findlib_install, META $(FINDLIBFILESTOINSTALL))
$(HIDE)$(MAKE) install-extra -f "$(SELF)"
@rm -f .filestoinstall
@# Extension point
.PHONY: install install-extra
$(HIDE)if [ "$(METAFILE)" ]; then \
cat "$(METAFILE)" | grep -v 'directory.*=.*' > META; \
$(call findlib_install, $(CMAFILES) $(CMOFILESTOINSTALL), -add)
install-doc:: html mlihtml
@# Extension point
$(HIDE)for i in html/*; do \
install -m 0644 "$$i" "$$dest";\
echo INSTALL "$$i" "$$dest";\
$(HIDE)install -d \
$(HIDE)for i in mlihtml/*; do \
install -m 0644 "$$i" "$$dest";\
echo INSTALL "$$i" "$$dest";\
.PHONY: install-doc
@# Extension point
$(call findlib_remove)
$(HIDE)for f in $$(cat .filestoinstall); do \
df="`$(COQMKFILE) -destination-of "$$f" $(COQLIBS)`" &&\
instf="$(COQLIBINSTALL)/$$df/`basename $$f`" &&\
rm -f "$$instf" &&\
echo RM "$$instf" ;\
$(HIDE)for f in $$(cat .filestoinstall); do \
df="`$(COQMKFILE) -destination-of "$$f" $(COQLIBS)`" &&\
echo RMDIR "$(COQLIBINSTALL)/$$df/" &&\
(rmdir "$(COQLIBINSTALL)/$$df/" 2>/dev/null || true); \
@rm -f .filestoinstall
.PHONY: uninstall
@# Extension point
.PHONY: uninstall-doc
# Cleaning ####################################################################
# There rules can be extended in Makefile.local
# Extensions can't assume when they run.
@# Extension point
$(HIDE)rm -f $(CMOFILES)
$(HIDE)rm -f $(CMIFILES)
$(HIDE)rm -f $(CMAFILES)
$(HIDE)rm -f $(CMXFILES)
$(HIDE)rm -f $(OFILES)
$(HIDE)rm -f $(CMXAFILES:.cmxa=.a)
$(HIDE)rm -f $(
$(HIDE)rm -f $(CMXFILES:.cmx=.cmt)
$(HIDE)rm -f $(MLIFILES:.mli=.cmti)
$(HIDE)find . -name .coq-native -type d -empty -delete
$(HIDE)rm -f $(VOFILES)
$(HIDE)rm -f $(VOFILES:.vo=.vio)
$(HIDE)rm -f $(VOFILES:.vo=.vos)
$(HIDE)rm -f $(VOFILES:.vo=.vok)
$(HIDE)rm -f $(BEAUTYFILES) $(VFILES:=.old)
$(HIDE)rm -f all.pdf all-gal.pdf all.glob all-mli.tex
$(HIDE)rm -f $(VFILES:.v=.glob)
$(HIDE)rm -f $(VFILES:.v=.tex)
$(HIDE)rm -f $(VFILES:.v=.g.tex)
$(HIDE)rm -f pretty-timed-success.ok
$(HIDE)rm -f META
$(HIDE)rm -rf html mlihtml
.PHONY: clean
cleanall:: clean
@# Extension point
$(SHOW)'CLEAN *.aux *.timing'
$(HIDE)rm -f $(foreach f,$(VFILES:.v=),$(dir $(f)).$(notdir $(f)).aux)
$(HIDE)rm -f $(VOFILES:.vo=.v.timing)
$(HIDE)rm -f $(VOFILES:.vo=.v.before-timing)
$(HIDE)rm -f $(VOFILES:.vo=.v.after-timing)
$(HIDE)rm -f $(VOFILES:.vo=.v.timing.diff)
$(HIDE)rm -f .lia.cache .nia.cache
.PHONY: cleanall
@# Extension point
$(SHOW)'CLEAN *.cmx *.o'
$(HIDE)rm -f $(CMOFILES:%.cmo=%.cmx)
.PHONY: archclean
# Compilation rules ###########################################################
$(MLIFILES:.mli=.cmi): %.cmi: %.mli
$(SHOW)'CAMLC -c $<'
$( %.mlg
$(HIDE)$(COQPP) $<
# Stupid hack around a deficient syntax: we cannot concatenate two expansions
$(filter %.cmo, $( $(MLGFILES:.mlg=.cmo)): %.cmo:
$(SHOW)'CAMLC -c $<'
# Same hack
$(filter %.cmx, $( $(MLGFILES:.mlg=.cmx)): %.cmx:
$(MLLIBFILES:.mllib=.cmxs): %.cmxs: %.cmxa
$(SHOW)'CAMLOPT -shared -o $@'
-shared -o $@ $<
$(MLLIBFILES:.mllib=.cma): %.cma: | %.mllib
$(SHOW)'CAMLC -a -o $@'
$(MLLIBFILES:.mllib=.cmxa): %.cmxa: | %.mllib
$(SHOW)'CAMLOPT -a -o $@'
$(MLPACKFILES:.mlpack=.cmxs): %.cmxs: %.cmxa
$(SHOW)'CAMLOPT -shared -o $@'
-shared -o $@ $<
$(MLPACKFILES:.mlpack=.cmxa): %.cmxa: %.cmx | %.mlpack
$(SHOW)'CAMLOPT -a -o $@'
$(MLPACKFILES:.mlpack=.cma): %.cma: %.cmo | %.mlpack
$(SHOW)'CAMLC -a -o $@'
$(MLPACKFILES:.mlpack=.cmo): %.cmo: | %.mlpack
$(SHOW)'CAMLC -pack -o $@'
$(MLPACKFILES:.mlpack=.cmx): %.cmx: | %.mlpack
$(SHOW)'CAMLOPT -pack -o $@'
# This rule is for _CoqProject with no .mllib nor .mlpack
$(filter-out $(MLLIBFILES:.mllib=.cmxs) $(MLPACKFILES:.mlpack=.cmxs) $(addsuffix .cmxs,$(PACKEDFILES)) $(addsuffix .cmxs,$(LIBEDFILES)),$( $(MLGFILES:.mlg=.cmxs)): %.cmxs: %.cmx
$(SHOW)'[deprecated,use-mllib-or-mlpack] CAMLOPT -shared -o $@'
-shared -o $@ $<
# can't make
# work with multiple target rules
# so use eval in a loop instead
# with grouped targets
# if available (GNU Make >= 4.3)
ifneq (,$(filter grouped-target,$(.FEATURES)))
define globvorule=
# take care to $$ variables using $< etc
$(1).vo $(1).glob &: $(1).v | $$(VDFILE)
$$(SHOW)COQC $(1).v
ifeq ($(COQDONATIVE), "yes")
$$(HIDE)$$(call TIMER,$(1).vo.native) $$(COQNATIVE) $$(COQLIBS) $(1).vo
$(VOFILES): %.vo: %.v | $(VDFILE)
ifeq ($(COQDONATIVE), "yes")
$(HIDE)$(call TIMER,$@.native) $(COQNATIVE) $(COQLIBS) $@
# this is broken :( todo fix if we ever find a solution that doesn't need grouped targets
$(GLOBFILES): %.glob: %.v
$(SHOW)'COQC $< (for .glob)'
$(foreach vfile,$(VFILES:.v=),$(eval $(call globvorule,$(vfile))))
$(VFILES:.v=.vio): %.vio: %.v
$(SHOW)COQC -vio $<
$(VFILES:.v=.vos): %.vos: %.v
$(SHOW)COQC -vos $<
$(VFILES:.v=.vok): %.vok: %.v
$(SHOW)COQC -vok $<
$(addsuffix .timing.diff,$(VFILES)): %.timing.diff : %.before-timing %.after-timing
$(SHOW)PYTHON TIMING-DIFF $*.{before,after}-timing
$(HIDE)$(MAKE) --no-print-directory -f "$(SELF)" print-pretty-single-time-diff BEFORE=$*.before-timing AFTER=$*.after-timing TIME_OF_PRETTY_BUILD_FILE="$@"
$(BEAUTYFILES): %.v.beautified: %.v
$(TEXFILES): %.tex: %.v
$(SHOW)'COQDOC -latex $<'
$(HIDE)$(COQDOC) $(COQDOCFLAGS) -latex $< -o $@
$(GTEXFILES): %.g.tex: %.v
$(SHOW)'COQDOC -latex -g $<'
$(HIDE)$(COQDOC) $(COQDOCFLAGS) -latex -g $< -o $@
$(HTMLFILES): %.html: %.v %.glob
$(SHOW)'COQDOC -html $<'
$(HIDE)$(COQDOC) $(COQDOCFLAGS) -html $< -o $@
$(GHTMLFILES): %.g.html: %.v %.glob
$(SHOW)'COQDOC -html -g $<'
$(HIDE)$(COQDOC) $(COQDOCFLAGS) -html -g $< -o $@
# Dependency files ############################################################
-include $(ALLDFILES)
ifneq ($(filter-out archclean clean cleanall printenv make-pretty-timed make-pretty-timed-before make-pretty-timed-after print-pretty-timed print-pretty-timed-diff print-pretty-single-time-diff,$(MAKECMDGOALS)),)
-include $(ALLDFILES)
redir_if_ok = > "$@" || ( RV=$$?; rm -f "$@"; exit $$RV )
$(addsuffix .d,$(ALLSRCFILES)): $(GENMLFILES)
$(addsuffix .d,$(MLIFILES)): %.mli.d: %.mli
$(HIDE)$(CAMLDEP) $(OCAMLLIBS) "$<" $(redir_if_ok)
$(addsuffix .d,$(MLGFILES)): %.mlg.d:
$(HIDE)$(CAMLDEP) $(OCAMLLIBS) "$<" $(redir_if_ok)
$(addsuffix .d,$(MLFILES)):
$(HIDE)$(CAMLDEP) $(OCAMLLIBS) "$<" $(redir_if_ok)
$(addsuffix .d,$(MLLIBFILES)): %.mllib.d: %.mllib
$(HIDE)$(OCAMLLIBDEP) -c $(OCAMLLIBS) "$<" $(redir_if_ok)
$(addsuffix .d,$(MLPACKFILES)): %.mlpack.d: %.mlpack
$(HIDE)$(OCAMLLIBDEP) -c $(OCAMLLIBS) "$<" $(redir_if_ok)
# If this makefile is created using a _CoqProject we have coqdep get
# options from it. This avoids argument length limits for pathological
# projects. Note that extra options might be on the command line.
VDFILE_FLAGS:=$(if _CoqProject,-f _CoqProject,) $(CMDLINE_COQLIBS) $(CMDLINE_VFILES)
$(VDFILE): _CoqProject $(VFILES)
$(HIDE)$(COQDEP) $(if $(strip $(METAFILE)),-m "$(METAFILE)") -vos -dyndep var $(VDFILE_FLAGS) $(redir_if_ok)
# Misc ########################################################################
$(HIDE)$(MAKE) all "OPT:=-byte" -f "$(SELF)"
.PHONY: byte
$(HIDE)$(MAKE) all "OPT:=-opt" -f "$(SELF)"
.PHONY: opt
# This is deprecated. To extend this makefile use
# extension points and Makefile.local
$(warning printenv is deprecated)
$(warning write extensions in Makefile.local or include Makefile.conf)
@echo 'COQLIB = $(COQLIB)'
@echo 'DOCDIR = $(DOCDIR)'
@echo 'PP = $(PP)'
@echo 'COQLIB = $(COQLIBS)'
.PHONY: printenv
# Generate a .merlin file. If you need to append directives to this
# file you can extend the merlin-hook target in Makefile.local
$(SHOW)'FILL .merlin'
$(HIDE)echo 'FLG $(COQMF_CAMLFLAGS)' > .merlin
$(HIDE)echo 'B $(COQCORELIB)' >> .merlin
$(HIDE)echo 'S $(COQCORELIB)' >> .merlin
$(HIDE)$(foreach d,$(COQCORE_SRC_SUBDIRS), \
echo 'B $(COQCORELIB)$(d)' >> .merlin;)
$(HIDE)$(foreach d,$(COQ_SRC_SUBDIRS), \
echo 'S $(COQLIB)$(d)' >> .merlin;)
$(HIDE)$(foreach d,$(SRC_SUBDIRS), echo 'B $(d)' >> .merlin;)
$(HIDE)$(foreach d,$(SRC_SUBDIRS), echo 'S $(d)' >> .merlin;)
$(HIDE)$(MAKE) merlin-hook -f "$(SELF)"
.PHONY: merlin
@# Extension point
.PHONY: merlin-hook
# prints all variables
$(foreach v,\
$(sort $(filter-out $(INITIAL_VARS) INITIAL_VARS,\
$(info $(v) = $($(v))))
.PHONY: debug
# Users can create Makefile.local-late to hook into double-colon rules
# or add other needed Makefile code, using defined
# variables if necessary.
-include Makefile.local-late
# Local Variables:
# mode: makefile-gmake
# End:

View file

@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
# This configuration file was generated by running:
# coq_makefile -f _CoqProject -o Makefile
ifneq (,$(COQBIN))
# add an ending /
COQMKFILE ?= "$(COQBIN)coq_makefile"
# #
# Project files. #
# #
COQMF_SOURCES := $(shell $(COQMKFILE) -sources-of -f _CoqProject $(COQMF_CMDLINE_VFILES))
COQMF_VFILES := $(filter %.v, $(COQMF_SOURCES))
COQMF_MLIFILES := $(filter %.mli, $(COQMF_SOURCES))
COQMF_MLGFILES := $(filter %.mlg, $(COQMF_SOURCES))
COQMF_MLPACKFILES := $(filter %.mlpack, $(COQMF_SOURCES))
COQMF_MLLIBFILES := $(filter %.mllib, $(COQMF_SOURCES))
# #
# Path directives (-I, -R, -Q). #
# #
# #
# Coq configuration. #
# #
COQMF_CAMLFLAGS=-thread -bin-annot -strict-sequence -w -a+1..3-4+5..8-9+10..26-27+28..39-40-41-42+43-44-45+46..47-48+49..57-58+59..66-67-68+69-70
COQMF_WARN=-warn-error +a-3
COQMF_COQ_SRC_SUBDIRS=boot config lib clib kernel library engine pretyping interp gramlib parsing proofs tactics toplevel printing ide stm vernac plugins/btauto plugins/cc plugins/derive plugins/extraction plugins/firstorder plugins/funind plugins/ltac plugins/ltac2 plugins/micromega plugins/nsatz plugins/ring plugins/rtauto plugins/ssr plugins/ssrmatching plugins/syntax
# #
# Native compiler. #
# #
# #
# Extra variables. #
# #